General pictures taken in February 2004. (54 pictures)

General pictures taken in February 2004.

The copyright owner on these pictures is Michael Meissner. Please direct any comments about this web page to

Michael Meissner's home page is at, his Renaissance Faire/SF convention links are at, his digital camera links are at, his calendar links are at, and the head of these photo albums is at

Clicking on the thumb file link will show you the thumbnail picture that has been reduced to at most 400x300 or 300x400 pixels depending on the picture orientation.

Clicking on the small file link will show you the picture that has been reduced to at most 846x600 or 623x800 pixels depending on the picture orientation.

The large file link is the fullsize picture after any editing, and the pictures are up to 1600x1200 or 1200x1600 pixels depending on the picture orientation.

This page lists pictures without thumbnails. If you want to view the pictures with thumbnails, classified by grouping like subjects together, click here. If you want to view the pictures with thumbnails arranged from newest to oldest, click here.

Picture sublinks

Pet pictures (24 pictures)

Picture #1: The prince looks down on his subjects
Thumb: 400x300, 25,846 bytes (26K)
Small: 800x623, 80,014 bytes (79K), (html file)
Large: 1600x1200, 1,133,724 bytes (1.1M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/2.8, ISO 100, 1/125 sec, 28.5mm, auto mode, SHQ, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 158.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on February 02, 2004 22:31:59
Last modified on February 05, 2004 at 10:02
Shutter speed of 1/125 or 1/250 may indicate use of flash
Picture #2: Hey, I'm trying to get my beauty sleep
Thumb: 300x400, 20,799 bytes (21K)
Small: 600x846, 61,298 bytes (60K), (html file)
Large: 1200x1600, 1,032,332 bytes (1009K), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/3.5, ISO 100, 1/200 sec, 65.2mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 362.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on February 02, 2004 22:35:11
Last modified on February 05, 2004 at 10:03
Picture #3: Abba, deep in thought
Thumb: 300x400, 21,255 bytes (21K)
Small: 600x823, 64,728 bytes (64K), (html file)
Large: 1200x1600, 1,245,327 bytes (1.2M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/2.8, ISO 400, 1/60 sec, 35.7mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 198.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on February 06, 2004 09:19:11
Last modified on February 06, 2004 at 10:34
Picture #4: Abba
Thumb: 400x300, 22,861 bytes (23K)
Small: 800x623, 67,016 bytes (66K), (html file)
Large: 1600x1200, 1,250,061 bytes (1.2M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/2.8, ISO 400, 1/50 sec, 35.7mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 198.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on February 06, 2004 09:19:17
Last modified on February 06, 2004 at 10:34
Picture #5: Abba #2
Thumb: 400x300, 23,767 bytes (24K)
Small: 800x623, 74,970 bytes (74K), (html file)
Large: 1600x1200, 1,181,575 bytes (1.1M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/2.8, ISO 200, 1/60 sec, 19.3mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 107.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on February 06, 2004 09:44:29
Last modified on February 06, 2004 at 11:19
Picture #6: Let me in
Thumb: 300x400, 20,044 bytes (20K)
Small: 600x823, 60,059 bytes (59K), (html file)
Large: 1200x1600, 1,145,196 bytes (1.1M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/2.8, ISO 200, 1/50 sec, 12.7mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 70.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on February 07, 2004 08:19:53
Last modified on February 07, 2004 at 09:50
Picture #7: Face at the window
Thumb: 300x400, 17,942 bytes (18K)
Small: 600x823, 63,666 bytes (63K), (html file)
Large: 600x800, 314,988 bytes (308K), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/2.8, ISO 100, 1/200 sec, 29.8mm, auto mode, SHQ, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 165.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on February 11, 2004 09:29:01
Last modified on February 11, 2004 at 09:50
Picture #8: Let sleeping cats lie
Thumb: 400x300, 27,301 bytes (27K)
Small: 800x623, 88,933 bytes (87K), (html file)
Large: 1600x1200, 1,230,302 bytes (1.2M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/2.8, ISO 100, flash, 1/50 sec, 12.0mm, auto mode, SHQ, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 67.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on February 11, 2004 18:21:02
Last modified on February 14, 2004 at 22:38
Picture #9: Looking out
Thumb: 400x300, 27,483 bytes (27K)
Small: 800x623, 74,439 bytes (73K), (html file)
Large: 1600x1200, 1,060,326 bytes (1.0M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/2.8, ISO 100, 1/125 sec, 12.0mm, auto mode, SHQ, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 67.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on February 19, 2004 10:08:46
Last modified on February 21, 2004 at 12:52
Shutter speed of 1/125 or 1/250 may indicate use of flash
Picture #10: Aerosmith
Thumb: 400x300, 27,510 bytes (27K)
Small: 800x623, 73,665 bytes (72K), (html file)
Large: 1600x1200, 1,054,897 bytes (1.0M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/2.8, ISO 100, 1/160 sec, 12.0mm, auto mode, SHQ, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 67.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on February 19, 2004 10:08:55
Last modified on February 21, 2004 at 12:53
Picture #11: Aerosmith #2
Thumb: 400x300, 28,622 bytes (28K)
Small: 800x623, 81,624 bytes (80K), (html file)
Large: 1600x1200, 1,184,478 bytes (1.1M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/2.8, ISO 100, 1/80 sec, 23.2mm, auto mode, SHQ, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 129.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on February 21, 2004 12:25:49
Last modified on February 21, 2004 at 12:54
Picture #12: Hey there, enough with the flash!
Thumb: 400x300, 28,719 bytes (29K)
Small: 800x623, 97,676 bytes (96K), (html file)
Large: 1600x1200, 1,272,094 bytes (1.2M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/2.8, ISO 100, 1/160 sec, 34.1mm, auto mode, SHQ, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 189.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on February 21, 2004 19:57:46
Last modified on February 21, 2004 at 23:03
Picture #13: Purrgatory in the hamper
Thumb: 400x300, 23,714 bytes (24K)
Small: 800x623, 72,982 bytes (72K), (html file)
Large: 1600x1200, 1,011,206 bytes (988K), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/2.8, ISO 100, 1/60 sec, 13.4mm, auto mode, SHQ, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 74.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on February 21, 2004 21:00:49
Last modified on February 21, 2004 at 23:04
Picture #14: Fishing for cats
Thumb: 300x400, 20,570 bytes (21K)
Small: 600x823, 72,958 bytes (72K), (html file)
Large: 1200x1600, 1,289,231 bytes (1.2M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/4.0, ISO 100, 1/250 sec, 10.7mm, manual mode, SHQ, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 59.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on February 21, 2004 22:38:44
Last modified on February 21, 2004 at 23:08
Shutter speed of 1/125 or 1/250 may indicate use of flash
Picture #15: I just about caught it
Thumb: 300x400, 20,085 bytes (20K)
Small: 600x823, 59,174 bytes (58K), (html file)
Large: 1200x1600, 1,016,050 bytes (993K), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/4.0, ISO 100, 1/250 sec, 16.2mm, manual mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 90.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on February 21, 2004 22:42:08
Last modified on February 21, 2004 at 23:09
Shutter speed of 1/125 or 1/250 may indicate use of flash
Picture #16: Fishing for cats #2
Thumb: 300x400, 21,272 bytes (21K)
Small: 600x823, 61,381 bytes (60K), (html file)
Large: 1200x1600, 1,010,797 bytes (988K), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/4.0, ISO 100, 1/250 sec, 16.2mm, manual mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 90.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on February 21, 2004 22:42:43
Last modified on February 21, 2004 at 23:10
Shutter speed of 1/125 or 1/250 may indicate use of flash
Picture #17: Fishing for cats #3
Thumb: 300x400, 19,527 bytes (20K)
Small: 600x823, 60,078 bytes (59K), (html file)
Large: 1200x1600, 1,068,109 bytes (1.0M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/4.0, ISO 100, 1/250 sec, 16.2mm, manual mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 90.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on February 21, 2004 22:42:56
Last modified on February 21, 2004 at 23:10
Shutter speed of 1/125 or 1/250 may indicate use of flash
Picture #18: Fishing for cats #4
Thumb: 300x400, 17,655 bytes (18K)
Small: 600x823, 51,427 bytes (51K), (html file)
Large: 1200x1600, 987,703 bytes (965K), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/4.0, ISO 100, 1/250 sec, 16.2mm, manual mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 90.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on February 21, 2004 22:43:12
Last modified on February 21, 2004 at 23:11
Shutter speed of 1/125 or 1/250 may indicate use of flash
Picture #19: Fishing for cats #5
Thumb: 300x400, 16,939 bytes (17K)
Small: 600x823, 48,966 bytes (48K), (html file)
Large: 1200x1600, 975,936 bytes (954K), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/4.0, ISO 100, 1/250 sec, 16.2mm, manual mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 90.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on February 21, 2004 22:43:30
Last modified on February 21, 2004 at 23:11
Shutter speed of 1/125 or 1/250 may indicate use of flash
Picture #20: Caught a live one
Thumb: 300x400, 16,438 bytes (17K)
Small: 600x823, 49,684 bytes (49K), (html file)
Large: 1200x1600, 1,010,683 bytes (987K), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/4.0, ISO 100, 1/250 sec, 16.2mm, manual mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 90.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on February 21, 2004 22:43:44
Last modified on February 21, 2004 at 23:12
Shutter speed of 1/125 or 1/250 may indicate use of flash
Picture #21: Fishing for cats #6
Thumb: 400x300, 15,330 bytes (15K)
Small: 800x623, 45,169 bytes (45K), (html file)
Large: 1600x1200, 939,748 bytes (918K), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/4.0, ISO 100, 1/250 sec, 16.2mm, manual mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 90.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on February 21, 2004 22:43:55
Last modified on February 21, 2004 at 23:12
Shutter speed of 1/125 or 1/250 may indicate use of flash
Picture #22: Fishing for cats #7
Thumb: 400x300, 15,739 bytes (16K)
Small: 800x623, 47,474 bytes (47K), (html file)
Large: 1600x1200, 982,989 bytes (960K), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/4.0, ISO 100, 1/250 sec, 16.2mm, manual mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 90.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on February 21, 2004 22:44:09
Last modified on February 21, 2004 at 23:12
Shutter speed of 1/125 or 1/250 may indicate use of flash
Picture #23: Aerosmith #3
Thumb: 400x300, 22,504 bytes (22K)
Small: 800x623, 81,532 bytes (80K), (html file)
Large: 1600x1200, 1,206,465 bytes (1.2M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/4.0, ISO 100, 1/250 sec, 14.7mm, manual mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 82.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on February 21, 2004 22:50:04
Last modified on February 21, 2004 at 23:12
Shutter speed of 1/125 or 1/250 may indicate use of flash
Picture #24: Aerosmith #4
Thumb: 400x300, 24,035 bytes (24K)
Small: 800x623, 71,845 bytes (71K), (html file)
Large: 1600x1200, 1,124,529 bytes (1.1M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/2.8, ISO 100, 1/250 sec, 45.8mm, auto mode, SHQ, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 254.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on February 29, 2004 15:16:53
Last modified on March 06, 2004 at 09:44
Shutter speed of 1/125 or 1/250 may indicate use of flash

Pictures of squirrels (16 pictures)

Picture #1: Oh, hi there!
Thumb: 400x300, 26,562 bytes (26K)
Small: 800x623, 72,198 bytes (71K), (html file)
Large: 1600x1200, 1,045,229 bytes (1021K), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/2.8, ISO 100, 1/100 sec, 45.8mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 254.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on February 06, 2004 09:17:59
Last modified on February 06, 2004 at 10:33
Picture #2: Squirrel at the feeder
Thumb: 300x400, 27,588 bytes (27K)
Small: 600x823, 83,087 bytes (82K), (html file)
Large: 1200x1600, 1,274,697 bytes (1.2M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/2.8, ISO 200, 1/200 sec, 41.3mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 229.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on February 06, 2004 09:54:29
Last modified on February 06, 2004 at 11:20
Picture #3: Squirrel at the feeder #2
Thumb: 300x400, 26,978 bytes (27K)
Small: 600x823, 87,816 bytes (86K), (html file)
Large: 1200x1600, 1,343,231 bytes (1.3M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/3.2, ISO 200, 1/250 sec, 54.0mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 300.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on February 06, 2004 09:56:18
Last modified on February 06, 2004 at 11:21
Shutter speed of 1/125 or 1/250 may indicate use of flash
Picture #4: Squirrel
Thumb: 400x300, 27,361 bytes (27K)
Small: 800x623, 88,504 bytes (87K), (html file)
Large: 1600x1200, 1,293,739 bytes (1.2M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/3.5, ISO 200, 1/125 sec, 70.0mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 388.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on February 07, 2004 08:14:53
Last modified on February 07, 2004 at 09:48
Shutter speed of 1/125 or 1/250 may indicate use of flash
Picture #5: Squirrel on the bird feeder
Thumb: 300x400, 28,504 bytes (28K)
Small: 600x846, 87,233 bytes (86K), (html file)
Large: 1200x1600, 1,323,306 bytes (1.3M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/2.8, ISO 200, 1/60 sec, 39.3mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 218.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on February 07, 2004 08:20:29
Last modified on February 07, 2004 at 09:51
Picture #6: Squirrel #2
Thumb: 400x300, 27,960 bytes (28K)
Small: 800x623, 95,673 bytes (94K), (html file)
Large: 1600x1200, 1,312,024 bytes (1.3M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/3.2, ISO 200, 1/125 sec, 61.0mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 338.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on February 07, 2004 08:28:14
Last modified on February 07, 2004 at 09:52
Shutter speed of 1/125 or 1/250 may indicate use of flash
Picture #7: Squirrel #3
Thumb: 300x400, 26,192 bytes (26K)
Small: 600x823, 88,050 bytes (86K), (html file)
Large: 1200x1600, 1,189,035 bytes (1.1M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/3.2, ISO 200, 1/100 sec, 61.0mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 338.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on February 07, 2004 08:28:36
Last modified on February 07, 2004 at 09:53
Picture #8: Who's there?
Thumb: 400x300, 24,055 bytes (24K)
Small: 800x623, 74,231 bytes (73K), (html file)
Large: 1600x1200, 1,100,052 bytes (1.0M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/3.2, ISO 100, 1/125 sec, 54.0mm, auto mode, SHQ, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 300.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on February 11, 2004 09:28:44
Last modified on February 11, 2004 at 09:45
Shutter speed of 1/125 or 1/250 may indicate use of flash
Picture #9: Do you like this pose?
Thumb: 400x300, 23,677 bytes (24K)
Small: 800x623, 70,902 bytes (70K), (html file)
Large: 1600x1200, 1,082,289 bytes (1.0M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/3.2, ISO 100, 1/250 sec, 54.0mm, auto mode, SHQ, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 300.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on February 11, 2004 09:28:47
Last modified on February 11, 2004 at 09:46
Shutter speed of 1/125 or 1/250 may indicate use of flash
Picture #10: Squirrel #4
Thumb: 300x400, 22,046 bytes (22K)
Small: 600x823, 70,607 bytes (69K), (html file)
Large: 1200x1600, 1,150,231 bytes (1.1M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/4.5, ISO 100, 1/650 sec, 61.0mm, auto mode, SHQ, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 338.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on February 11, 2004 10:07:22
Last modified on February 13, 2004 at 10:53
Picture #11: Squirrel #5
Thumb: 400x300, 24,510 bytes (24K)
Small: 800x623, 79,229 bytes (78K), (html file)
Large: 1600x1200, 1,180,373 bytes (1.1M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/5.0, ISO 100, 1/500 sec, 54.0mm, auto mode, SHQ, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 300.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on February 11, 2004 10:09:07
Last modified on February 13, 2004 at 10:54
Picture #12: Squirrel #6
Thumb: 400x300, 23,758 bytes (24K)
Small: 800x623, 71,697 bytes (71K), (html file)
Large: 800x600, 320,589 bytes (314K), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/2.8, ISO 100, 1/160 sec, 31.1mm, auto mode, SHQ, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 173.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on February 18, 2004 10:38:27
Last modified on February 18, 2004 at 10:53
Picture #13: Thanks for the seeds
Thumb: 400x300, 26,315 bytes (26K)
Small: 800x623, 78,501 bytes (77K), (html file)
Large: 800x600, 338,716 bytes (331K), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/2.8, ISO 100, 1/125 sec, 26.2mm, auto mode, SHQ, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 145.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on February 18, 2004 10:39:41
Last modified on February 18, 2004 at 10:56
Shutter speed of 1/125 or 1/250 may indicate use of flash
Picture #14: Take a bow
Thumb: 400x300, 26,374 bytes (26K)
Small: 800x623, 78,112 bytes (77K), (html file)
Large: 800x600, 337,486 bytes (330K), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/2.8, ISO 100, 1/125 sec, 26.2mm, auto mode, SHQ, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 145.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on February 18, 2004 10:39:41
Last modified on February 18, 2004 at 10:58
Shutter speed of 1/125 or 1/250 may indicate use of flash
Picture #15: King of the world
Thumb: 300x400, 29,204 bytes (29K)
Small: 600x823, 82,553 bytes (81K), (html file)
Large: 1200x1600, 1,132,662 bytes (1.1M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/2.8, ISO 100, 1/160 sec, 37.4mm, auto mode, SHQ, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 208.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on February 18, 2004 10:50:45
Last modified on February 18, 2004 at 11:28
Picture #16: Squirrel #7
Thumb: 300x400, 27,911 bytes (28K)
Small: 600x823, 80,566 bytes (79K), (html file)
Large: 1200x1600, 1,161,307 bytes (1.1M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/2.8, ISO 100, 1/160 sec, 37.4mm, auto mode, SHQ, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 208.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on February 18, 2004 10:52:04
Last modified on February 18, 2004 at 11:29

Pictures of birds (3 pictures)

Picture #1: Nuthatch
Thumb: 300x400, 27,607 bytes (27K)
Small: 600x823, 70,158 bytes (69K), (html file)
Large: 1200x1600, 994,786 bytes (972K), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/2.8, ISO 100, 1/80 sec, 43.5mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 241.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on February 06, 2004 09:41:16
Last modified on February 06, 2004 at 10:35
Picture #2: Birds at the feeder
Thumb: 400x300, 21,587 bytes (22K)
Small: 800x623, 64,607 bytes (64K), (html file)
Large: 800x600, 313,505 bytes (307K), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/2.8, ISO 200, 1/160 sec, 45.8mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 254.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on February 06, 2004 09:42:16
Last modified on February 06, 2004 at 11:11
Picture #3: Bird at the feeder
Thumb: 400x300, 18,883 bytes (19K)
Small: 800x623, 58,497 bytes (58K), (html file)
Large: 800x600, 305,448 bytes (299K), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/3.2, ISO 200, 1/125 sec, 61.0mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 338.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on February 06, 2004 09:42:42
Last modified on February 06, 2004 at 11:13
Shutter speed of 1/125 or 1/250 may indicate use of flash

Winter pictures (2 pictures)

Picture #1: Tree in winter
Thumb: 300x400, 30,286 bytes (30K)
Small: 600x823, 125,528 bytes (123K), (html file)
Large: 1200x1600, 1,219,957 bytes (1.2M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/5.6, ISO 100, 1/500 sec, 15.2mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 84.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on February 07, 2004 11:27:36
Last modified on February 07, 2004 at 12:15
Picture #2: Tree in winter #2
Thumb: 300x400, 31,844 bytes (32K)
Small: 600x823, 142,520 bytes (140K), (html file)
Large: 1200x1600, 1,351,518 bytes (1.3M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/2.8, ISO 100, 1/400 sec, 15.2mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 84.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on February 07, 2004 11:28:11
Last modified on February 07, 2004 at 12:15

Cloud pictures (9 pictures)

Picture #1: Clouds
Thumb: 400x300, 17,962 bytes (18K)
Small: 800x623, 49,746 bytes (49K), (html file)
Large: 1600x1200, 911,397 bytes (891K), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/4.0, ISO 100, 1/500 sec, 10.5mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 58.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on February 07, 2004 15:25:20
Last modified on February 07, 2004 at 20:57
Picture #2: Clouds #2
Thumb: 400x300, 19,088 bytes (19K)
Small: 800x623, 57,764 bytes (57K), (html file)
Large: 1600x1200, 969,436 bytes (947K), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/4.0, ISO 100, 1/500 sec, 10.5mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 58.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on February 07, 2004 15:25:41
Last modified on February 07, 2004 at 20:57
Picture #3: Clouds #3
Thumb: 400x300, 18,180 bytes (18K)
Small: 800x623, 58,890 bytes (58K), (html file)
Large: 1600x1200, 950,439 bytes (929K), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/4.5, ISO 100, 1/500 sec, 25.2mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 140.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on February 07, 2004 15:26:02
Last modified on February 07, 2004 at 20:59
Picture #4: Clouds #4
Thumb: 400x300, 15,977 bytes (16K)
Small: 800x623, 48,639 bytes (48K), (html file)
Large: 1600x1200, 809,346 bytes (791K), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/6.3, ISO 100, 1/500 sec, 25.2mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 140.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on February 07, 2004 15:26:01
Last modified on February 07, 2004 at 21:00
Picture #5: Clouds over Spectacle Pond
Thumb: 400x300, 30,347 bytes (30K)
Small: 800x623, 109,366 bytes (107K), (html file)
Large: 1600x1200, 1,287,444 bytes (1.2M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/5.6, ISO 100, 1/500 sec, 7.0mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 39.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on February 07, 2004 15:33:37
Last modified on February 07, 2004 at 21:02
Picture #6: Tree and clouds
Thumb: 300x400, 38,198 bytes (38K)
Small: 600x823, 142,104 bytes (139K), (html file)
Large: 1200x1600, 1,314,408 bytes (1.3M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/8.0, ISO 100, 1/200 sec, 7.0mm, aperture priority, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 39.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on February 07, 2004 15:34:47
Last modified on February 07, 2004 at 21:03
Picture #7: Clouds over the Nashua river
Thumb: 400x300, 23,216 bytes (23K)
Small: 800x623, 79,320 bytes (78K), (html file)
Large: 1600x1200, 1,094,481 bytes (1.0M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/4.5, ISO 100, 1/500 sec, 7.0mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 39.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on February 07, 2004 15:55:31
Last modified on February 07, 2004 at 21:04
Picture #8: Clouds over the Nashua river #2
Thumb: 300x400, 25,670 bytes (26K)
Small: 600x846, 93,277 bytes (92K), (html file)
Large: 1200x1600, 1,161,156 bytes (1.1M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/8.0, ISO 100, 1/200 sec, 7.0mm, aperture priority, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 39.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on February 07, 2004 15:56:59
Last modified on February 07, 2004 at 21:06
Picture #9: Clouds #5
Thumb: 400x300, 25,024 bytes (25K)
Small: 800x623, 75,343 bytes (74K), (html file)
Large: 1600x1200, 1,035,573 bytes (1012K), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/8.0, ISO 100, 1/250 sec, 7.0mm, aperture priority, SHQ, cloudy, spot metering
35mm equivalent focal length 39.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on February 07, 2004 16:31:44
Last modified on February 07, 2004 at 21:07
Shutter speed of 1/125 or 1/250 may indicate use of flash

Picture sublinks

Michael Meissner,