The copyright owner on these pictures is Michael Meissner. Please direct any comments about this web page to
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Clicking on the thumb file link will show you the thumbnail picture that has been reduced to at most 426x348 or 300x400 pixels depending on the picture orientation.
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This page lists pictures without thumbnails. If you want to view the pictures with thumbnails, classified by grouping like subjects together, click here. If you want to view the pictures with thumbnails arranged from newest to oldest, click here.
Picture #1: Aerosmith Thumb: 400x300, 39,912 bytes (39K) Small: 800x623, 129,076 bytes (127K), (html file) Large: 1600x1200, 1,324,857 bytes (1.3M), (html file) Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved Olympus C-2100UZ camera f/2.8, ISO 200, 1/200 sec, 29.8mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering 35mm equivalent focal length 165.0mm Taken by Michael Meissner on October 02, 2004 16:22:44 Last modified on October 03, 2004 at 09:01 |
Picture #2: Aerosmith #2 Thumb: 400x300, 40,220 bytes (40K) Small: 800x623, 130,911 bytes (128K), (html file) Large: 1600x1200, 1,341,201 bytes (1.3M), (html file) Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved Olympus C-2100UZ camera f/2.8, ISO 200, 1/200 sec, 29.8mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering 35mm equivalent focal length 165.0mm Taken by Michael Meissner on October 02, 2004 16:22:45 Last modified on October 03, 2004 at 09:02 |
Picture #3: Aerosmith #3 Thumb: 400x300, 30,011 bytes (30K) Small: 800x623, 81,898 bytes (80K), (html file) Large: 1600x1200, 1,281,788 bytes (1.2M), (html file) Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved Olympus C-2100UZ camera f/2.8, ISO 200, 1/250 sec, 29.8mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering 35mm equivalent focal length 165.0mm Taken by Michael Meissner on October 02, 2004 16:23:00 Last modified on October 03, 2004 at 09:03 Shutter speed of 1/125 or 1/250 may indicate use of flash |
Picture #4: Hood ornament Thumb: 400x300, 23,962 bytes (24K) Small: 800x623, 73,682 bytes (72K), (html file) Large: 1600x1200, 1,182,713 bytes (1.1M), (html file) Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved Olympus C-2100UZ camera f/2.8, ISO 200, 1/60 sec, 39.3mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering 35mm equivalent focal length 218.0mm Taken by Michael Meissner on October 02, 2004 16:23:27 Last modified on October 03, 2004 at 09:03 |
Picture #5: Purrgatory Thumb: 400x299, 48,099 bytes (47K) Small: 800x622, 188,949 bytes (185K), (html file) Large: 2288x1712, 3,511,377 bytes (3.3M), (html file) Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved Olympus D-40Z camera f/4.8, ISO 100, 1/320 sec, 19.8mm, auto mode, SHQ, matrix metering 35mm equivalent focal length 97.0mm Taken by Michael Meissner on October 10, 2004 13:10:51 Last modified on October 11, 2004 at 07:52 |
Picture #6: Purrgatory #2 Thumb: 400x299, 48,321 bytes (48K) Small: 800x622, 188,474 bytes (185K), (html file) Large: 2288x1712, 3,500,736 bytes (3.3M), (html file) Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved Olympus D-40Z camera f/4.8, ISO 100, 1/320 sec, 19.8mm, auto mode, SHQ, matrix metering 35mm equivalent focal length 97.0mm Taken by Michael Meissner on October 10, 2004 13:11:00 Last modified on October 11, 2004 at 07:53 |
Picture #1: Foggy morning Thumb: 400x300, 11,112 bytes (11K) Small: 800x623, 30,580 bytes (30K), (html file) Large: 2272x1704, 749,883 bytes (733K), (html file) Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved Olympus D-40Z camera f/3.4, ISO 100, 1/50 sec, 9.4mm, auto mode, HQ, matrix metering 35mm equivalent focal length 46.0mm Taken by Michael Meissner on October 04, 2004 07:09:44 Last modified on October 04, 2004 at 07:40 |
Picture #2: Foggy morning #2 Thumb: 400x300, 20,875 bytes (21K) Small: 800x623, 70,533 bytes (69K), (html file) Large: 2272x1704, 840,433 bytes (821K), (html file) Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved Olympus D-40Z camera f/2.8, ISO 100, 1/40 sec, 8.3mm, auto mode, HQ, matrix metering 35mm equivalent focal length 41.0mm Taken by Michael Meissner on October 04, 2004 07:10:30 Last modified on October 04, 2004 at 07:41 |
Picture #3: Foggy morning #3 Thumb: 400x300, 12,288 bytes (12K) Small: 800x623, 33,976 bytes (34K), (html file) Large: 1600x1200, 889,228 bytes (869K), (html file) Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved Olympus C-2100UZ camera f/3.5, ISO 100, 1/500 sec, 16.8mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering 35mm equivalent focal length 93.0mm Taken by Michael Meissner on October 06, 2004 07:11:37 Last modified on October 06, 2004 at 07:44 |
Picture #4: Foggy morning #4 Thumb: 300x400, 30,916 bytes (31K) Small: 600x823, 97,657 bytes (96K), (html file) Large: 1200x1600, 1,177,511 bytes (1.1M), (html file) Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved Olympus C-2100UZ camera f/2.8, ISO 100, 1/400 sec, 7.0mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering 35mm equivalent focal length 39.0mm Taken by Michael Meissner on October 06, 2004 07:12:25 Last modified on October 06, 2004 at 07:46 |
Picture #5: Foggy morning #5 Thumb: 400x300, 14,319 bytes (14K) Small: 800x623, 43,263 bytes (43K), (html file) Large: 1600x1200, 998,072 bytes (975K), (html file) Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved Olympus C-2100UZ camera f/3.5, ISO 100, 1/160 sec, 70.0mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering 35mm equivalent focal length 388.0mm Taken by Michael Meissner on October 06, 2004 07:12:51 Last modified on October 06, 2004 at 07:48 |
Picture #6: Foggy morning #6 Thumb: 400x300, 21,238 bytes (21K) Small: 800x623, 69,474 bytes (68K), (html file) Large: 1600x1200, 1,046,104 bytes (1022K), (html file) Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved Olympus C-2100UZ camera f/2.8, ISO 100, 1/160 sec, 22.3mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering 35mm equivalent focal length 124.0mm Taken by Michael Meissner on October 06, 2004 07:13:14 Last modified on October 06, 2004 at 07:49 |
Picture #1: Side by side Thumb: 400x300, 28,997 bytes (29K) Small: 800x623, 99,300 bytes (97K), (html file) Large: 1600x1200, 1,300,884 bytes (1.2M), (html file) Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved Olympus C-2100UZ camera f/4.5, ISO 100, 1/650 sec, 70.0mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering 35mm equivalent focal length 388.0mm Taken by Michael Meissner on October 04, 2004 11:22:55 Last modified on October 06, 2004 at 07:44 |
Picture #2: Preening Thumb: 400x300, 31,385 bytes (31K) Small: 800x623, 115,464 bytes (113K), (html file) Large: 1600x1200, 1,272,780 bytes (1.2M), (html file) Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved Olympus C-2100UZ camera f/3.5, ISO 100, 1/200 sec, 70.0mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering 35mm equivalent focal length 388.0mm Extra equipment used: Polarizer Taken by Michael Meissner on October 11, 2004 16:48:36 Last modified on October 12, 2004 at 08:01 |
Picture #1: Fall Thumb: 300x400, 24,465 bytes (24K) Small: 600x823, 78,111 bytes (77K), (html file) Large: 1200x1600, 1,123,001 bytes (1.1M), (html file) Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved Olympus C-2100UZ camera f/6.3, ISO 100, 1/650 sec, 14.3mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering 35mm equivalent focal length 79.0mm Taken by Michael Meissner on October 10, 2004 13:21:49 Last modified on October 11, 2004 at 08:00 |
Picture #2: Fall in Ayer Thumb: 400x300, 27,937 bytes (28K) Small: 800x623, 92,898 bytes (91K), (html file) Large: 1600x1200, 1,197,282 bytes (1.1M), (html file) Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved Olympus C-2100UZ camera f/5.0, ISO 100, 1/500 sec, 8.4mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering 35mm equivalent focal length 47.0mm Taken by Michael Meissner on October 10, 2004 13:28:20 Last modified on October 11, 2004 at 08:01 |
Picture #3: Fall in Ayer #2 Thumb: 400x300, 25,978 bytes (26K) Small: 800x623, 86,727 bytes (85K), (html file) Large: 1600x1200, 1,182,950 bytes (1.1M), (html file) Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved Olympus C-2100UZ camera f/4.5, ISO 100, 1/500 sec, 29.8mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering 35mm equivalent focal length 165.0mm Taken by Michael Meissner on October 10, 2004 13:28:39 Last modified on October 11, 2004 at 08:03 |
Picture #4: Fall leaves Thumb: 400x300, 37,824 bytes (37K) Small: 800x623, 106,711 bytes (105K), (html file) Large: 1600x1200, 1,153,664 bytes (1.1M), (html file) Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved Olympus C-2100UZ camera f/2.8, ISO 100, 1/320 sec, 23.2mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering 35mm equivalent focal length 129.0mm Taken by Michael Meissner on October 10, 2004 13:29:19 Last modified on October 11, 2004 at 08:04 |
Picture #5: Fall in Ayer #3 Thumb: 400x300, 28,326 bytes (28K) Small: 800x623, 92,902 bytes (91K), (html file) Large: 1600x1200, 1,177,332 bytes (1.1M), (html file) Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved Olympus C-2100UZ camera f/5.0, ISO 100, 1/650 sec, 8.4mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering 35mm equivalent focal length 47.0mm Taken by Michael Meissner on October 10, 2004 13:29:44 Last modified on October 11, 2004 at 08:05 |
Picture #6: Fall in Ayer #4 Thumb: 400x300, 32,237 bytes (32K) Small: 800x623, 109,892 bytes (108K), (html file) Large: 1600x1200, 1,302,242 bytes (1.2M), (html file) Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved Olympus C-2100UZ camera f/4.5, ISO 100, 1/500 sec, 8.4mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering 35mm equivalent focal length 47.0mm Taken by Michael Meissner on October 10, 2004 13:31:23 Last modified on October 11, 2004 at 08:08 |
Picture #7: Cat O'nine tails Thumb: 300x400, 31,361 bytes (31K) Small: 600x823, 77,913 bytes (77K), (html file) Large: 1200x1600, 1,080,903 bytes (1.0M), (html file) Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved Olympus C-2100UZ camera f/2.8, ISO 100, 1/320 sec, 23.2mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering 35mm equivalent focal length 129.0mm Taken by Michael Meissner on October 10, 2004 13:30:38 Last modified on October 11, 2004 at 08:43 |
Picture #8: Fall in Ayer #5 Thumb: 400x300, 20,841 bytes (21K) Small: 800x623, 60,856 bytes (60K), (html file) Large: 1600x1200, 957,160 bytes (935K), (html file) Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved Olympus C-2100UZ camera f/8.0, ISO 100, 1/200 sec, 9.9mm, aperture priority, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering 35mm equivalent focal length 55.0mm Taken by Michael Meissner on October 10, 2004 13:34:11 Last modified on October 11, 2004 at 08:47 |
Picture #9: Fall in Ayer #6 Thumb: 300x400, 34,455 bytes (34K) Small: 600x823, 112,900 bytes (111K), (html file) Large: 1200x1600, 1,366,468 bytes (1.3M), (html file) Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved Olympus C-2100UZ camera f/8.0, ISO 100, 1/200 sec, 18.6mm, aperture priority, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering 35mm equivalent focal length 103.0mm Taken by Michael Meissner on October 10, 2004 13:34:34 Last modified on October 11, 2004 at 08:48 |
Picture #10: Fall in Ayer #7 Thumb: 400x300, 29,563 bytes (29K) Small: 800x623, 96,890 bytes (95K), (html file) Large: 1600x1200, 1,161,915 bytes (1.1M), (html file) Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved Olympus C-2100UZ camera f/5.6, ISO 100, 1/500 sec, 18.6mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering 35mm equivalent focal length 103.0mm Taken by Michael Meissner on October 10, 2004 13:36:08 Last modified on October 11, 2004 at 08:50 |
Picture #11: Fall leaves #2 Thumb: 300x400, 40,904 bytes (40K) Small: 600x823, 116,608 bytes (114K), (html file) Large: 1200x1600, 1,408,516 bytes (1.3M), (html file) Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved Olympus C-2100UZ camera f/2.8, ISO 100, 1/160 sec, 8.8mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering 35mm equivalent focal length 49.0mm Taken by Michael Meissner on October 10, 2004 13:37:01 Last modified on October 11, 2004 at 08:51 |
Picture #12: Fall in Ayer #8 Thumb: 400x300, 27,082 bytes (27K) Small: 800x623, 88,374 bytes (87K), (html file) Large: 1600x1200, 1,188,576 bytes (1.1M), (html file) Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved Olympus C-2100UZ camera f/6.3, ISO 100, 1/500 sec, 18.6mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering 35mm equivalent focal length 103.0mm Taken by Michael Meissner on October 10, 2004 14:08:50 Last modified on October 11, 2004 at 09:03 |
Picture #13: Fall leaves #3 Thumb: 400x300, 32,696 bytes (32K) Small: 800x623, 90,122 bytes (89K), (html file) Large: 1600x1200, 1,236,085 bytes (1.2M), (html file) Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved Olympus C-2100UZ camera f/2.8, ISO 100, 1/400 sec, 8.8mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering 35mm equivalent focal length 49.0mm Taken by Michael Meissner on October 10, 2004 13:38:29 Last modified on October 12, 2004 at 06:36 |
Picture #14: Fall in Ayer #9 Thumb: 400x299, 29,546 bytes (29K) Small: 800x622, 102,449 bytes (101K), (html file) Large: 2288x1712, 2,377,681 bytes (2.3M), (html file) Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved Olympus D-40Z camera f/8.0, ISO 100, 1/400 sec, 13.3mm, auto mode, SHQ, matrix metering, bias -0.5 35mm equivalent focal length 65.0mm Taken by Michael Meissner on October 10, 2004 14:06:55 Last modified on October 12, 2004 at 06:38 |
Picture #15: Fall in Ayer #10 Thumb: 400x300, 32,933 bytes (33K) Small: 800x623, 115,477 bytes (113K), (html file) Large: 1600x1200, 1,409,032 bytes (1.3M), (html file) Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved Olympus C-2100UZ camera f/5.0, ISO 100, 1/500 sec, 11.3mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering 35mm equivalent focal length 63.0mm Taken by Michael Meissner on October 10, 2004 14:07:31 Last modified on October 12, 2004 at 06:39 |
Picture #16: Fall in Ayer #11 Thumb: 300x400, 35,072 bytes (35K) Small: 600x823, 129,588 bytes (127K), (html file) Large: 1200x1600, 1,324,888 bytes (1.3M), (html file) Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved Olympus C-2100UZ camera f/6.3, ISO 100, 1/500 sec, 41.3mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering 35mm equivalent focal length 229.0mm Taken by Michael Meissner on October 10, 2004 14:09:12 Last modified on October 12, 2004 at 06:41 |
Picture #17: Concord's old north bridge in fall Thumb: 300x400, 40,694 bytes (40K) Small: 600x846, 152,961 bytes (150K), (html file) Large: 1200x1600, 1,280,976 bytes (1.2M), (html file) Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved Olympus C-2100UZ camera f/2.8, ISO 100, 1/400 sec, 9.4mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering 35mm equivalent focal length 52.0mm Taken by Michael Meissner on October 10, 2004 14:58:09 Last modified on October 12, 2004 at 07:37 |
Picture #18: Concord's old north bridge in fall #2 Thumb: 400x251, 41,224 bytes (41K) Small: 800x525, 147,177 bytes (144K), (html file) Large: 1600x1004, 1,609,342 bytes (1.5M), (html file) Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved Olympus C-2100UZ camera f/3.2, ISO 100, 1/500 sec, 7.0mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering 35mm equivalent focal length 39.0mm Taken by Michael Meissner on October 10, 2004 14:59:06 Last modified on October 12, 2004 at 07:38 |
Picture #19: Fall in North Andover Thumb: 400x318, 29,458 bytes (29K) Small: 755x623, 97,800 bytes (96K), (html file) Large: 1510x1200, 1,465,094 bytes (1.4M), (html file) Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved Olympus C-2100UZ camera f/2.8, ISO 100, 1/320 sec, 14.3mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering 35mm equivalent focal length 79.0mm Extra equipment used: Polarizer Taken by Michael Meissner on October 11, 2004 16:43:14 Last modified on October 12, 2004 at 07:56 |
Picture #20: Fall in North Andover #2 Thumb: 400x300, 36,568 bytes (36K) Small: 800x623, 153,115 bytes (150K), (html file) Large: 1600x1200, 1,209,731 bytes (1.2M), (html file) Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved Olympus C-2100UZ camera f/2.8, ISO 100, 1/250 sec, 31.1mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering 35mm equivalent focal length 173.0mm Extra equipment used: Polarizer Taken by Michael Meissner on October 11, 2004 16:43:48 Last modified on October 12, 2004 at 07:58 Shutter speed of 1/125 or 1/250 may indicate use of flash |
Picture #21: Fall in North Andover #3 Thumb: 400x285, 25,926 bytes (26K) Small: 800x593, 92,319 bytes (91K), (html file) Large: 1600x1140, 1,474,072 bytes (1.4M), (html file) Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved Olympus C-2100UZ camera f/3.2, ISO 100, 1/500 sec, 13.4mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering 35mm equivalent focal length 74.0mm Extra equipment used: Polarizer Taken by Michael Meissner on October 11, 2004 16:46:38 Last modified on October 12, 2004 at 08:00 |
Picture #22: Andover cemetery in the fall Thumb: 300x400, 46,446 bytes (46K) Small: 600x846, 164,992 bytes (162K), (html file) Large: 1200x1600, 1,240,777 bytes (1.2M), (html file) Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved Olympus C-2100UZ camera f/5.6, ISO 100, 1/25 sec, 7.0mm, aperture priority, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering 35mm equivalent focal length 39.0mm Taken by Michael Meissner on October 15, 2004 10:41:07 Last modified on October 19, 2004 at 08:17 |
Picture #23: Andover cemetery in the fall #2 Thumb: 400x300, 46,561 bytes (46K) Small: 800x623, 163,743 bytes (160K), (html file) Large: 1600x1200, 1,230,338 bytes (1.2M), (html file) Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved Olympus C-2100UZ camera f/2.8, ISO 100, 1/160 sec, 7.0mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering 35mm equivalent focal length 39.0mm Taken by Michael Meissner on October 15, 2004 10:41:40 Last modified on October 19, 2004 at 08:17 |
Picture #24: Andover cemetery in the fall #3 Thumb: 300x400, 41,703 bytes (41K) Small: 600x846, 145,663 bytes (143K), (html file) Large: 1200x1600, 1,209,167 bytes (1.2M), (html file) Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved Olympus C-2100UZ camera f/2.8, ISO 100, 1/250 sec, 13.8mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering 35mm equivalent focal length 77.0mm Taken by Michael Meissner on October 15, 2004 10:42:59 Last modified on October 19, 2004 at 08:18 Shutter speed of 1/125 or 1/250 may indicate use of flash |
Picture #25: Andover cemetery in the fall #4 Thumb: 400x300, 38,686 bytes (38K) Small: 800x623, 126,871 bytes (124K), (html file) Large: 1600x1200, 1,208,104 bytes (1.2M), (html file) Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved Olympus C-2100UZ camera f/2.8, ISO 100, 1/250 sec, 7.0mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering 35mm equivalent focal length 39.0mm Taken by Michael Meissner on October 15, 2004 10:43:23 Last modified on October 19, 2004 at 08:19 Shutter speed of 1/125 or 1/250 may indicate use of flash |
Picture #26: Fall tree Thumb: 300x400, 37,327 bytes (37K) Small: 600x823, 127,822 bytes (125K), (html file) Large: 1704x2272, 867,908 bytes (848K), (html file) Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved Olympus D-40Z camera f/4.8, ISO 100, 1/200 sec, 19.8mm, auto mode, HQ, matrix metering, bias -0.5 35mm equivalent focal length 97.0mm Taken by Michael Meissner on October 16, 2004 13:18:36 Last modified on October 19, 2004 at 09:02 |
Picture #27: Fall in Harvard, Massachusetts Thumb: 400x300, 22,657 bytes (23K) Small: 800x623, 86,928 bytes (85K), (html file) Large: 2272x1704, 739,319 bytes (722K), (html file) Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved Olympus D-40Z camera f/5.6, ISO 100, 1/200 sec, 11.7mm, auto mode, HQ, matrix metering 35mm equivalent focal length 57.0mm Taken by Michael Meissner on October 16, 2004 14:34:29 Last modified on October 19, 2004 at 09:54 |
Picture #28: Fall in Andover Thumb: 300x400, 31,227 bytes (31K) Small: 600x823, 113,297 bytes (111K), (html file) Large: 1200x1600, 1,220,487 bytes (1.2M), (html file) Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved Olympus C-2100UZ camera f/2.8, ISO 100, 1/200 sec, 16.2mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering 35mm equivalent focal length 90.0mm Taken by Michael Meissner on October 22, 2004 16:06:42 Last modified on November 02, 2004 at 11:27 |
Picture #29: Fall in Andover #2 Thumb: 300x400, 32,870 bytes (33K) Small: 600x823, 120,722 bytes (118K), (html file) Large: 1200x1600, 1,264,715 bytes (1.2M), (html file) Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved Olympus C-2100UZ camera f/2.8, ISO 100, 1/160 sec, 15.7mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering 35mm equivalent focal length 87.0mm Taken by Michael Meissner on October 22, 2004 16:07:05 Last modified on November 02, 2004 at 11:27 |
Picture #1: Canoing on the Charles river Thumb: 400x300, 43,218 bytes (43K) Small: 800x623, 168,889 bytes (165K), (html file) Large: 1600x1200, 1,247,946 bytes (1.2M), (html file) Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved Olympus C-2100UZ camera f/5.0, ISO 100, 1/500 sec, 23.2mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering 35mm equivalent focal length 129.0mm Taken by Michael Meissner on October 10, 2004 14:35:39 Last modified on October 12, 2004 at 07:21 |
Picture #2: Canoing on the Charles river #2 Thumb: 400x300, 34,871 bytes (35K) Small: 800x623, 128,938 bytes (126K), (html file) Large: 1600x1200, 1,187,115 bytes (1.1M), (html file) Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved Olympus C-2100UZ camera f/4.0, ISO 100, 1/500 sec, 41.3mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering 35mm equivalent focal length 229.0mm Taken by Michael Meissner on October 10, 2004 14:48:26 Last modified on October 12, 2004 at 07:22 |
Picture #3: Canoing on the Charles river #3 Thumb: 300x400, 37,768 bytes (37K) Small: 600x846, 137,719 bytes (135K), (html file) Large: 1200x1600, 1,578,040 bytes (1.5M), (html file) Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved Olympus C-2100UZ camera f/4.0, ISO 100, 1/500 sec, 41.3mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering 35mm equivalent focal length 229.0mm Taken by Michael Meissner on October 10, 2004 14:48:44 Last modified on October 12, 2004 at 07:23 |
Picture #4: Canoing on the Charles river #4 Thumb: 300x400, 33,734 bytes (33K) Small: 600x846, 135,765 bytes (133K), (html file) Large: 1200x1600, 1,360,943 bytes (1.3M), (html file) Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved Olympus C-2100UZ camera f/5.6, ISO 100, 1/500 sec, 15.2mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering 35mm equivalent focal length 84.0mm Taken by Michael Meissner on October 10, 2004 14:49:45 Last modified on October 12, 2004 at 07:24 |
Picture #1: Clouds over the Acton resevoir Thumb: 400x300, 26,791 bytes (27K) Small: 800x623, 82,987 bytes (82K), (html file) Large: 1600x1200, 1,133,463 bytes (1.1M), (html file) Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved Olympus C-2100UZ camera f/4.0, ISO 100, 1/500 sec, 13.0mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, spot metering 35mm equivalent focal length 72.0mm Taken by Michael Meissner on October 10, 2004 17:54:04 Last modified on October 12, 2004 at 07:40 |
Picture #2: Clouds over the Acton resevoir #2 Thumb: 400x266, 21,960 bytes (22K) Small: 800x555, 61,694 bytes (61K), (html file) Large: 1600x1063, 1,052,168 bytes (1.0M), (html file) Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved Olympus C-2100UZ camera f/5.6, ISO 100, 1/500 sec, 17.3mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, spot metering 35mm equivalent focal length 96.0mm Taken by Michael Meissner on October 10, 2004 17:54:28 Last modified on October 12, 2004 at 07:41 |
Picture #3: Clouds Thumb: 400x221, 26,375 bytes (26K) Small: 800x464, 83,504 bytes (82K), (html file) Large: 1600x882, 1,002,104 bytes (979K), (html file) Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved Olympus C-2100UZ camera f/3.5, ISO 100, 1/500 sec, 7.0mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering 35mm equivalent focal length 39.0mm Extra equipment used: Polarizer Taken by Michael Meissner on October 31, 2004 15:55:56 Last modified on October 31, 2004 at 18:58 |
Picture #4: Clouds #2 Thumb: 400x247, 34,225 bytes (34K) Small: 800x517, 116,257 bytes (114K), (html file) Large: 1600x987, 1,282,970 bytes (1.2M), (html file) Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved Olympus C-2100UZ camera f/4.0, ISO 100, 1/500 sec, 7.0mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering 35mm equivalent focal length 39.0mm Extra equipment used: Polarizer Taken by Michael Meissner on October 31, 2004 15:56:42 Last modified on October 31, 2004 at 19:00 |
Picture #5: Clouds #3 Thumb: 400x300, 32,699 bytes (32K) Small: 800x623, 107,124 bytes (105K), (html file) Large: 1600x1200, 1,308,497 bytes (1.2M), (html file) Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved Olympus C-2100UZ camera f/2.8, ISO 100, 1/60 sec, 9.4mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, spot metering 35mm equivalent focal length 52.0mm Extra equipment used: Polarizer Taken by Michael Meissner on October 31, 2004 16:04:15 Last modified on October 31, 2004 at 19:02 |
Picture #6: Sunset and clouds Thumb: 400x233, 18,865 bytes (19K) Small: 800x490, 57,075 bytes (56K), (html file) Large: 1600x933, 903,220 bytes (883K), (html file) Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved Olympus C-2100UZ camera f/2.8, ISO 100, 1/250 sec, 9.4mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, spot metering 35mm equivalent focal length 52.0mm Extra equipment used: Polarizer Taken by Michael Meissner on October 31, 2004 16:07:50 Last modified on October 31, 2004 at 19:04 Shutter speed of 1/125 or 1/250 may indicate use of flash |
Picture #7: Sunset and clouds #2 Thumb: 400x212, 17,069 bytes (17K) Small: 800x447, 49,152 bytes (48K), (html file) Large: 1600x848, 799,702 bytes (781K), (html file) Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved Olympus C-2100UZ camera f/2.8, ISO 100, 1/200 sec, 9.4mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, spot metering 35mm equivalent focal length 52.0mm Extra equipment used: Polarizer Taken by Michael Meissner on October 31, 2004 16:08:15 Last modified on October 31, 2004 at 19:06 |
Picture #1: Spectacle pond at sunset Thumb: 400x300, 26,644 bytes (27K) Small: 800x623, 87,426 bytes (86K), (html file) Large: 1600x1200, 1,340,500 bytes (1.3M), (html file) Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved Olympus C-2100UZ camera f/2.8, ISO 100, 1/125 sec, 7.0mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, spot metering 35mm equivalent focal length 39.0mm Taken by Michael Meissner on October 10, 2004 18:07:26 Last modified on October 12, 2004 at 07:46 Shutter speed of 1/125 or 1/250 may indicate use of flash |
Picture #2: Spectacle pond at sunset #2 Thumb: 400x300, 28,547 bytes (28K) Small: 800x623, 100,315 bytes (98K), (html file) Large: 1600x1200, 1,378,401 bytes (1.3M), (html file) Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved Olympus C-2100UZ camera f/2.8, ISO 400, 1/160 sec, 12.7mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering 35mm equivalent focal length 70.0mm Taken by Michael Meissner on October 10, 2004 18:10:24 Last modified on October 12, 2004 at 07:48 |
Picture #3: Spectacle pond at sunset #3 Thumb: 400x300, 26,977 bytes (27K) Small: 800x623, 92,175 bytes (91K), (html file) Large: 1600x1200, 1,340,744 bytes (1.3M), (html file) Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved Olympus C-2100UZ camera f/2.8, ISO 400, 1/160 sec, 12.7mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering 35mm equivalent focal length 70.0mm Taken by Michael Meissner on October 10, 2004 18:10:47 Last modified on October 12, 2004 at 07:50 |
Picture #4: Spectacle pond at sunset #4 Thumb: 400x300, 26,880 bytes (27K) Small: 800x623, 95,920 bytes (94K), (html file) Large: 1600x1200, 1,394,646 bytes (1.3M), (html file) Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved Olympus C-2100UZ camera f/2.8, ISO 400, 1/100 sec, 8.4mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering 35mm equivalent focal length 47.0mm Taken by Michael Meissner on October 10, 2004 18:14:03 Last modified on October 12, 2004 at 07:53 |
Picture #5: Westford church at sunset Thumb: 400x300, 19,544 bytes (20K) Small: 800x623, 57,458 bytes (57K), (html file) Large: 1600x1200, 1,080,659 bytes (1.0M), (html file) Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved Olympus C-2100UZ camera f/2.8, ISO 100, 1/500 sec, 7.0mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, spot metering 35mm equivalent focal length 39.0mm Taken by Michael Meissner on October 16, 2004 17:44:14 Last modified on October 19, 2004 at 08:27 |
Picture #6: Westford church at sunset #2 Thumb: 400x324, 20,429 bytes (20K) Small: 800x670, 61,782 bytes (61K), (html file) Large: 1483x1200, 1,076,786 bytes (1.0M), (html file) Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved Olympus C-2100UZ camera f/2.8, ISO 100, 1/500 sec, 7.0mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, spot metering 35mm equivalent focal length 39.0mm Taken by Michael Meissner on October 16, 2004 17:45:02 Last modified on October 19, 2004 at 08:29 |
Picture #1: Ayer sunrise Thumb: 400x342, 29,008 bytes (29K) Small: 800x706, 88,307 bytes (87K), (html file) Large: 1405x1200, 1,202,384 bytes (1.1M), (html file) Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved Olympus C-2100UZ camera f/6.3, ISO 100, 1/500 sec, 7.3mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, spot metering 35mm equivalent focal length 41.0mm Taken by Michael Meissner on October 14, 2004 07:16:05 Last modified on October 14, 2004 at 07:44 |
Picture #2: Ayer sunrise #2 Thumb: 300x400, 42,122 bytes (42K) Small: 600x823, 146,601 bytes (144K), (html file) Large: 1200x1600, 1,252,238 bytes (1.2M), (html file) Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved Olympus C-2100UZ camera f/2.8, ISO 100, 1/320 sec, 7.0mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, spot metering 35mm equivalent focal length 39.0mm Taken by Michael Meissner on October 14, 2004 07:17:02 Last modified on October 14, 2004 at 07:45 |
Picture #1: Milkweed pod Thumb: 400x300, 22,394 bytes (22K) Small: 800x623, 64,153 bytes (63K), (html file) Large: 1600x1200, 1,058,041 bytes (1.0M), (html file) Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved Olympus C-2100UZ camera f/2.8, ISO 100, 1/80 sec, 9.0mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering, macro 35mm equivalent focal length 50.0mm Taken by Michael Meissner on October 14, 2004 07:25:44 Last modified on October 14, 2004 at 07:48 |
Picture #2: Milkweek pod after a rain Thumb: 300x400, 29,574 bytes (29K) Small: 600x823, 92,816 bytes (91K), (html file) Large: 1200x1600, 1,219,655 bytes (1.2M), (html file) Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved Olympus C-2100UZ camera f/2.8, ISO 400, 1/50 sec, 24.2mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering 35mm equivalent focal length 134.0mm Taken by Michael Meissner on October 15, 2004 07:21:49 Last modified on October 19, 2004 at 08:15 |
Picture #3: Milkweek pod after a rain #2 Thumb: 300x400, 34,484 bytes (34K) Small: 600x823, 101,635 bytes (100K), (html file) Large: 1200x1600, 1,214,574 bytes (1.2M), (html file) Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved Olympus C-2100UZ camera f/2.8, ISO 100, 1/80 sec, 17.3mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering 35mm equivalent focal length 96.0mm Taken by Michael Meissner on October 15, 2004 07:22:11 Last modified on October 19, 2004 at 08:15 |
Picture #4: Can I interest you in ham for Thanksgiving? Thumb: 400x300, 29,347 bytes (29K) Small: 800x623, 105,691 bytes (104K), (html file) Large: 1600x1200, 1,048,257 bytes (1024K), (html file) Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved Olympus C-2100UZ camera f/2.8, ISO 100, 1/200 sec, 48.3mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering 35mm equivalent focal length 268.0mm Taken by Michael Meissner on October 16, 2004 07:55:23 Last modified on October 19, 2004 at 08:25 |
Picture #1: Merrill Kohlhofer at 3 Apples Storytelling festival Thumb: 299x400, 30,705 bytes (30K) Small: 599x846, 115,998 bytes (114K), (html file) Large: 1712x2288, 2,118,520 bytes (2.0M), (html file) Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved Olympus D-40Z camera f/5.6, ISO 100, 1/320 sec, 10.2mm, auto mode, SHQ, matrix metering 35mm equivalent focal length 50.0mm Taken by Michael Meissner on October 16, 2004 14:14:53 Last modified on October 19, 2004 at 09:18 |
Picture #2: Merrill Kohlhofer at 3 Apples Storytelling festival #2 Thumb: 299x400, 29,175 bytes (29K) Small: 599x846, 110,246 bytes (108K), (html file) Large: 1712x2288, 2,040,264 bytes (1.9M), (html file) Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved Olympus D-40Z camera f/5.6, ISO 100, 1/250 sec, 10.2mm, auto mode, SHQ, matrix metering 35mm equivalent focal length 50.0mm Taken by Michael Meissner on October 16, 2004 14:15:06 Last modified on October 19, 2004 at 09:20 |
Picture #3: Merrill Kohlhofer at 3 Apples Storytelling festival #3 Thumb: 299x400, 32,467 bytes (32K) Small: 599x846, 125,595 bytes (123K), (html file) Large: 1712x2288, 2,245,746 bytes (2.1M), (html file) Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved Olympus D-40Z camera f/5.6, ISO 100, 1/250 sec, 10.2mm, auto mode, SHQ, matrix metering 35mm equivalent focal length 50.0mm Taken by Michael Meissner on October 16, 2004 14:15:23 Last modified on October 19, 2004 at 09:23 |
Picture #4: Merrill Kohlhofer at 3 Apples Storytelling festival #4 Thumb: 299x400, 32,241 bytes (32K) Small: 599x846, 124,505 bytes (122K), (html file) Large: 1712x2288, 925,482 bytes (904K), (html file) Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved Olympus D-40Z camera f/5.6, ISO 100, 1/250 sec, 10.2mm, auto mode, SHQ, matrix metering 35mm equivalent focal length 50.0mm Taken by Michael Meissner on October 16, 2004 14:15:48 Last modified on October 19, 2004 at 09:41 |
Picture #5: Merrill Kohlhofer at 3 Apples Storytelling festival #5 Thumb: 299x400, 31,910 bytes (32K) Small: 599x846, 117,915 bytes (116K), (html file) Large: 1712x2288, 873,257 bytes (853K), (html file) Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved Olympus D-40Z camera f/5.6, ISO 100, 1/250 sec, 10.2mm, auto mode, SHQ, matrix metering 35mm equivalent focal length 50.0mm Taken by Michael Meissner on October 16, 2004 14:16:16 Last modified on October 19, 2004 at 09:46 |
Picture #6: Merrill Kohlhofer at 3 Apples Storytelling festival #6 Thumb: 299x400, 32,361 bytes (32K) Small: 599x846, 124,180 bytes (122K), (html file) Large: 1712x2288, 918,732 bytes (898K), (html file) Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved Olympus D-40Z camera f/4.8, ISO 100, 1/400 sec, 7.5mm, auto mode, SHQ, matrix metering 35mm equivalent focal length 37.0mm Taken by Michael Meissner on October 16, 2004 14:23:02 Last modified on October 19, 2004 at 09:52 |
Picture #7: Storyteller at 3 Apples festival Thumb: 300x400, 29,856 bytes (30K) Small: 600x846, 96,397 bytes (95K), (html file) Large: 1704x2272, 1,858,019 bytes (1.8M), (html file) Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved Olympus D-40Z camera f/5.6, ISO 100, 1/200 sec, 10.0mm, auto mode, HQ, matrix metering 35mm equivalent focal length 49.0mm Taken by Michael Meissner on October 16, 2004 14:26:47 Last modified on November 03, 2004 at 11:30 |
Picture #8: Storyteller at 3 Apples festival #2 Thumb: 300x400, 29,068 bytes (29K) Small: 600x846, 93,842 bytes (92K), (html file) Large: 1704x2272, 1,778,180 bytes (1.7M), (html file) Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved Olympus D-40Z camera f/5.6, ISO 100, 1/200 sec, 10.0mm, auto mode, HQ, matrix metering 35mm equivalent focal length 49.0mm Taken by Michael Meissner on October 16, 2004 14:26:48 Last modified on November 03, 2004 at 11:31 |
Picture #9: Jean Armstrong at 3 Apples Storytelling festival Thumb: 300x400, 25,915 bytes (26K) Small: 600x846, 92,929 bytes (91K), (html file) Large: 1704x2272, 820,064 bytes (801K), (html file) Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved Olympus D-40Z camera f/4.8, ISO 100, 1/250 sec, 14.6mm, auto mode, HQ, matrix metering 35mm equivalent focal length 72.0mm Taken by Michael Meissner on October 16, 2004 14:43:15 Last modified on November 03, 2004 at 11:32 |
Picture #10: Jean Armstrong at 3 Apples Storytelling festival #2 Thumb: 300x400, 25,571 bytes (25K) Small: 600x846, 94,724 bytes (93K), (html file) Large: 1704x2272, 1,855,004 bytes (1.8M), (html file) Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved Olympus D-40Z camera f/5.6, ISO 100, 1/200 sec, 9.5mm, auto mode, HQ, matrix metering 35mm equivalent focal length 47.0mm Taken by Michael Meissner on October 16, 2004 14:45:09 Last modified on November 03, 2004 at 11:34 |
Picture #11: Jean Armstrong at 3 Apples Storytelling festival #3 Thumb: 300x400, 26,322 bytes (26K) Small: 600x846, 82,634 bytes (81K), (html file) Large: 1704x2272, 1,818,094 bytes (1.7M), (html file) Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved Olympus D-40Z camera f/5.6, ISO 100, 1/160 sec, 15.4mm, auto mode, HQ, matrix metering 35mm equivalent focal length 75.0mm Taken by Michael Meissner on October 16, 2004 14:46:25 Last modified on November 03, 2004 at 11:35 |
Picture #12: Jean Armstrong at 3 Apples Storytelling festival #4 Thumb: 342x400, 28,791 bytes (29K) Small: 804x964, 123,417 bytes (121K), (html file) Large: 1607x1882, 2,106,772 bytes (2.0M), (html file) Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved Olympus D-40Z camera f/5.6, ISO 100, 1/200 sec, 13.6mm, auto mode, HQ, matrix metering 35mm equivalent focal length 67.0mm Taken by Michael Meissner on October 16, 2004 14:47:11 Last modified on November 03, 2004 at 11:37 |
Picture #13: Jean Armstrong at 3 Apples Storytelling festival #5 Thumb: 348x426, 40,451 bytes (40K) Small: 697x898, 139,598 bytes (137K), (html file) Large: 1393x1704, 1,594,827 bytes (1.5M), (html file) Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved Olympus D-40Z camera f/4.8, ISO 100, 1/80 sec, 19.8mm, auto mode, HQ, matrix metering 35mm equivalent focal length 97.0mm Taken by Michael Meissner on October 16, 2004 14:48:42 Last modified on November 03, 2004 at 11:39 |
Picture #14: Jean Armstrong at 3 Apples Storytelling festival #6 Thumb: 300x400, 27,147 bytes (27K) Small: 600x846, 98,659 bytes (97K), (html file) Large: 1704x2272, 1,885,136 bytes (1.8M), (html file) Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved Olympus D-40Z camera f/4.8, ISO 100, 1/200 sec, 11.2mm, auto mode, HQ, matrix metering 35mm equivalent focal length 55.0mm Taken by Michael Meissner on October 16, 2004 14:50:12 Last modified on November 03, 2004 at 11:40 |
Picture #1: Shadow juggling Thumb: 300x400, 15,620 bytes (16K) Small: 600x823, 51,281 bytes (51K), (html file) Large: 600x800, 397,046 bytes (388K), (html file) Copyright, Michael Meissner 2004, All rights reserved Olympus C-2100UZ camera f/2.8, ISO 100, 1/30 sec, 7.0mm, manual mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering 35mm equivalent focal length 39.0mm Extra equipment used: Promaster 5750DX flash, RM-1 remote control Taken by Michael Meissner on October 23, 2004 16:02:43 Last modified on October 24, 2004 at 12:29 |