Pictures taken on August 21, 2005 in San Francisco (68 pictures)

I was in the middle of a two week business trip, and spent Sunday August 21st, 2005 wandering around San Francisco, and had my trusty Olympus C-2100UZ with me.

The copyright owner on these pictures is Michael Meissner. Please direct any comments about this web page to

Michael Meissner's home page is at, his Renaissance Faire/SF convention links are at, his digital camera links are at, his calendar links are at, and the head of these photo albums is at

Clicking on the thumb file link will show you the thumbnail picture that has been reduced to at most 400x300 or 300x400 pixels depending on the picture orientation.

Clicking on the small file link will show you the picture that has been reduced to at most 846x600 or 623x800 pixels depending on the picture orientation.

The large file link is the fullsize picture after any editing, and the pictures are up to 1600x1200 or 1200x1600 pixels depending on the picture orientation.

This page lists pictures without thumbnails. If you want to view the pictures with thumbnails, classified by grouping like subjects together, click here. If you want to view the pictures with thumbnails arranged from newest to oldest, click here.

Picture sublinks

Pictures of seagulls (10 pictures)

Picture #1: I'm late, gotta run
Thumb: 400x300, 18,047 bytes (18K)
Small: 800x623, 60,245 bytes (59K), (html file)
Large: 1600x1200, 946,773 bytes (925K), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2005, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/5.6, ISO 100, 1/500 sec, 43.5mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 241.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on August 21, 2005 16:06:44
Last modified on August 27, 2005 at 13:02
Picture #2: Seagull
Thumb: 400x300, 30,204 bytes (30K)
Small: 800x623, 109,652 bytes (108K), (html file)
Large: 1600x1200, 1,314,178 bytes (1.3M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2005, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/4.0, ISO 100, 1/650 sec, 48.3mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 268.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on August 21, 2005 16:24:02
Last modified on August 27, 2005 at 13:02
Picture #3: Seagull #2
Thumb: 400x300, 14,900 bytes (15K)
Small: 800x623, 40,589 bytes (40K), (html file)
Large: 1600x1200, 929,008 bytes (908K), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2005, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/5.0, ISO 100, 1/650 sec, 35.7mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 198.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on August 21, 2005 16:38:25
Last modified on August 27, 2005 at 13:02
Picture #4: Seagull amongst the sealions
Thumb: 400x300, 24,571 bytes (24K)
Small: 800x623, 63,188 bytes (62K), (html file)
Large: 1600x1200, 948,120 bytes (926K), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2005, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/6.3, ISO 100, 1/500 sec, 54.0mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 300.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on August 21, 2005 16:46:00
Last modified on August 27, 2005 at 13:02
Picture #5: I'm outta here
Thumb: 400x300, 31,974 bytes (32K)
Small: 800x623, 112,486 bytes (110K), (html file)
Large: 1600x1200, 1,332,550 bytes (1.3M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2005, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/5.0, ISO 100, 1/650 sec, 12.0mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 67.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on August 21, 2005 16:47:45
Last modified on August 27, 2005 at 13:02
Picture #6: Niner twelve eighty, you are clear to land
Thumb: 400x300, 32,806 bytes (33K)
Small: 800x623, 115,000 bytes (113K), (html file)
Large: 1600x1200, 1,303,236 bytes (1.2M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2005, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/5.0, ISO 100, 1/500 sec, 34.1mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 189.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on August 21, 2005 16:54:05
Last modified on August 27, 2005 at 13:02
Picture #7: Niner twelve eighty, you are clear to land #2
Thumb: 400x300, 33,129 bytes (33K)
Small: 800x623, 110,606 bytes (109K), (html file)
Large: 1600x1200, 1,252,565 bytes (1.2M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2005, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/5.0, ISO 100, 1/500 sec, 34.1mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 189.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on August 21, 2005 16:54:06
Last modified on August 27, 2005 at 13:02
Picture #8: Seagull #3
Thumb: 400x300, 18,875 bytes (19K)
Small: 800x623, 52,527 bytes (52K), (html file)
Large: 1600x1200, 1,017,556 bytes (994K), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2005, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/4.0, ISO 100, 1/650 sec, 57.3mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 318.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on August 21, 2005 18:35:10
Last modified on August 27, 2005 at 13:02
Picture #9: Seagull #4
Thumb: 400x300, 19,227 bytes (19K)
Small: 800x623, 51,766 bytes (51K), (html file)
Large: 1600x1200, 865,469 bytes (846K), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2005, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/3.2, ISO 100, 1/650 sec, 48.3mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 268.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on August 21, 2005 18:37:13
Last modified on August 27, 2005 at 13:02
Picture #10: Mine, mine, all mine!
Thumb: 400x300, 30,515 bytes (30K)
Small: 800x623, 150,212 bytes (147K), (html file)
Large: 1600x1200, 1,334,720 bytes (1.3M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2005, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/4.5, ISO 100, 1/650 sec, 34.1mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 189.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on August 21, 2005 21:03:15
Last modified on August 27, 2005 at 13:03

Pictures of San Francisco (21 pictures)

Picture #1: Sidewalk sign outside of labor union hall
Thumb: 400x300, 29,132 bytes (29K)
Small: 800x623, 101,143 bytes (99K), (html file)
Large: 1600x1200, 1,289,783 bytes (1.2M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2005, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/5.0, ISO 100, 1/500 sec, 7.5mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 42.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on August 21, 2005 16:08:46
Last modified on August 27, 2005 at 13:02
Picture #2: World War II submarine and ship
Thumb: 400x300, 25,501 bytes (25K)
Small: 800x623, 85,007 bytes (84K), (html file)
Large: 1600x1200, 1,094,581 bytes (1.0M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2005, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/6.3, ISO 100, 1/400 sec, 12.3mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 68.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on August 21, 2005 16:23:08
Last modified on August 27, 2005 at 13:02
Picture #3: Coast Guard
Thumb: 400x300, 25,638 bytes (26K)
Small: 800x623, 77,752 bytes (76K), (html file)
Large: 1600x1200, 1,040,764 bytes (1017K), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2005, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/5.0, ISO 100, 1/650 sec, 41.3mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 229.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on August 21, 2005 16:39:11
Last modified on August 27, 2005 at 13:02
Picture #4: Bay cruise
Thumb: 400x300, 23,566 bytes (24K)
Small: 800x623, 73,002 bytes (72K), (html file)
Large: 1600x1200, 1,008,655 bytes (986K), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2005, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/7.0, ISO 100, 1/650 sec, 11.6mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 64.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on August 21, 2005 16:45:03
Last modified on August 27, 2005 at 13:02
Picture #5: Cruise ship
Thumb: 400x300, 23,796 bytes (24K)
Small: 800x623, 69,044 bytes (68K), (html file)
Large: 1600x1200, 1,030,366 bytes (1007K), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2005, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/4.5, ISO 100, 1/500 sec, 8.8mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 49.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on August 21, 2005 18:33:29
Last modified on August 27, 2005 at 13:02
Picture #6: Pidgeon lookout
Thumb: 400x300, 24,512 bytes (24K)
Small: 800x623, 69,632 bytes (68K), (html file)
Large: 1600x1200, 1,083,628 bytes (1.0M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2005, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/3.5, ISO 100, 1/500 sec, 70.0mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 388.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on August 21, 2005 18:49:25
Last modified on August 27, 2005 at 13:02
Picture #7: San Francisco
Thumb: 400x300, 27,115 bytes (27K)
Small: 800x623, 84,991 bytes (83K), (html file)
Large: 1600x1200, 1,129,392 bytes (1.1M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2005, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/4.5, ISO 100, 1/500 sec, 12.7mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 70.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on August 21, 2005 19:03:02
Last modified on August 27, 2005 at 13:02
Picture #8: Bank of America pyramid
Thumb: 300x400, 21,057 bytes (21K)
Small: 600x823, 56,088 bytes (55K), (html file)
Large: 1200x1600, 960,192 bytes (938K), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2005, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/4.0, ISO 100, 1/500 sec, 43.5mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 241.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on August 21, 2005 19:03:23
Last modified on August 27, 2005 at 13:02
Picture #9: Kite skier
Thumb: 175x350, 12,381 bytes (13K)
Small: 350x746, 30,386 bytes (30K), (html file)
Large: 700x1400, 470,444 bytes (460K), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2005, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/3.5, ISO 100, 1/650 sec, 18.6mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 103.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on August 21, 2005 19:28:51
Last modified on August 27, 2005 at 13:03
Picture #10: Kite skier #2
Thumb: 400x300, 29,294 bytes (29K)
Small: 800x623, 79,943 bytes (79K), (html file)
Large: 800x600, 311,439 bytes (305K), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2005, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/3.5, ISO 100, 1/650 sec, 18.6mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 103.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on August 21, 2005 19:29:01
Last modified on August 27, 2005 at 13:03
Picture #11: Alcatraz
Thumb: 400x300, 25,575 bytes (25K)
Small: 800x623, 89,241 bytes (88K), (html file)
Large: 1600x1200, 1,218,097 bytes (1.2M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2005, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/4.0, ISO 100, 1/650 sec, 20.7mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 115.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on August 21, 2005 19:40:00
Last modified on August 27, 2005 at 13:03
Picture #12: Alcatraz #2
Thumb: 400x300, 34,278 bytes (34K)
Small: 800x623, 116,881 bytes (115K), (html file)
Large: 1600x1200, 1,376,210 bytes (1.3M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2005, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/2.8, ISO 100, 1/400 sec, 28.5mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 158.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on August 21, 2005 19:43:12
Last modified on August 27, 2005 at 13:03
Picture #13: San Francisco #2
Thumb: 400x300, 20,273 bytes (20K)
Small: 800x623, 66,043 bytes (65K), (html file)
Large: 1600x1200, 1,087,800 bytes (1.0M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2005, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/4.5, ISO 100, 1/500 sec, 10.7mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 59.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on August 21, 2005 19:55:22
Last modified on August 27, 2005 at 13:03
Picture #14: San Francisco #3
Thumb: 400x300, 28,679 bytes (29K)
Small: 800x623, 88,364 bytes (87K), (html file)
Large: 1600x1200, 1,163,440 bytes (1.1M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2005, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/4.5, ISO 100, 1/500 sec, 26.2mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 145.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on August 21, 2005 19:56:59
Last modified on August 27, 2005 at 13:03
Picture #15: Bungy jumping
Thumb: 400x300, 28,794 bytes (29K)
Small: 800x623, 79,985 bytes (79K), (html file)
Large: 1600x1200, 1,091,541 bytes (1.0M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2005, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/4.5, ISO 100, 1/650 sec, 26.2mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 145.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on August 21, 2005 20:15:32
Last modified on August 27, 2005 at 13:03
Picture #16: Bungy jumping #2
Thumb: 400x300, 28,531 bytes (28K)
Small: 800x623, 79,079 bytes (78K), (html file)
Large: 1600x1200, 1,096,735 bytes (1.0M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2005, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/4.5, ISO 100, 1/650 sec, 26.2mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 145.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on August 21, 2005 20:15:33
Last modified on August 27, 2005 at 13:03
Picture #17: Bungy jumping #3
Thumb: 300x400, 24,315 bytes (24K)
Small: 600x823, 61,108 bytes (60K), (html file)
Large: 1200x1600, 893,281 bytes (873K), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2005, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/4.0, ISO 100, 1/650 sec, 16.8mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 93.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on August 21, 2005 20:17:03
Last modified on August 27, 2005 at 13:03
Picture #18: Floral seahorse
Thumb: 300x400, 29,131 bytes (29K)
Small: 600x823, 91,035 bytes (89K), (html file)
Large: 1200x1600, 1,167,585 bytes (1.1M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2005, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/2.8, ISO 100, flash, 1/500 sec, 8.6mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 48.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on August 21, 2005 20:19:15
Last modified on August 27, 2005 at 13:03
Picture #19: Pier 39 Carousel
Thumb: 400x300, 44,394 bytes (44K)
Small: 800x623, 134,964 bytes (132K), (html file)
Large: 1600x1200, 1,247,504 bytes (1.2M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2005, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/3.5, ISO 100, 1/650 sec, 7.0mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 39.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on August 21, 2005 20:33:19
Last modified on August 27, 2005 at 13:03
Picture #20: Putting out a small fire
Thumb: 300x400, 31,308 bytes (31K)
Small: 600x823, 84,753 bytes (83K), (html file)
Large: 1200x1600, 1,084,171 bytes (1.0M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2005, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/2.8, ISO 100, 1/40 sec, 17.9mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 99.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on August 21, 2005 20:37:33
Last modified on August 27, 2005 at 13:03
Picture #21: Railroad station
Thumb: 300x400, 23,420 bytes (23K)
Small: 600x823, 71,713 bytes (71K), (html file)
Large: 1200x1600, 1,077,034 bytes (1.0M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2005, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/7.0, ISO 100, 1/400 sec, 7.5mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 42.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on August 21, 2005 21:33:00
Last modified on August 27, 2005 at 13:03

Pictures of flowers (3 pictures)

Picture #1: Red and yellow flower
Thumb: 400x300, 38,222 bytes (38K)
Small: 800x623, 106,529 bytes (105K), (html file)
Large: 1600x1200, 1,292,842 bytes (1.2M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2005, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/5.0, ISO 100, 1/650 sec, 24.2mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering, macro
35mm equivalent focal length 134.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on August 21, 2005 16:33:04
Last modified on August 27, 2005 at 13:02
Picture #2: Red and yellow flower #2
Thumb: 400x300, 24,794 bytes (25K)
Small: 800x623, 60,007 bytes (59K), (html file)
Large: 1600x1200, 1,023,305 bytes (1000K), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2005, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/4.5, ISO 100, 1/500 sec, 70.0mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering, macro
35mm equivalent focal length 388.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on August 21, 2005 16:33:14
Last modified on August 27, 2005 at 13:02
Picture #3: Red flower
Thumb: 400x300, 33,343 bytes (33K)
Small: 800x623, 84,932 bytes (83K), (html file)
Large: 1600x1200, 1,161,979 bytes (1.1M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2005, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/5.0, ISO 100, 1/650 sec, 20.7mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering, macro
35mm equivalent focal length 115.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on August 21, 2005 21:02:58
Last modified on August 27, 2005 at 13:03

Pictures of sealions (12 pictures)

Picture #1: Seagull and sealions
Thumb: 400x300, 27,772 bytes (28K)
Small: 800x623, 78,226 bytes (77K), (html file)
Large: 1600x1200, 1,045,626 bytes (1022K), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2005, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/5.0, ISO 100, 1/500 sec, 70.0mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 388.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on August 21, 2005 16:37:26
Last modified on August 27, 2005 at 13:02
Picture #2: Ahhhhhhhh!
Thumb: 400x300, 30,736 bytes (31K)
Small: 800x623, 94,002 bytes (92K), (html file)
Large: 1600x1200, 1,187,566 bytes (1.1M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2005, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/4.0, ISO 100, 1/800 sec, 65.2mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 362.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on August 21, 2005 16:37:40
Last modified on August 27, 2005 at 13:02
Picture #3: Scratch an itch
Thumb: 400x300, 35,913 bytes (36K)
Small: 800x623, 115,840 bytes (114K), (html file)
Large: 1600x1200, 1,309,538 bytes (1.2M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2005, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/4.5, ISO 100, 1/400 sec, 41.3mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 229.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on August 21, 2005 16:39:26
Last modified on August 27, 2005 at 13:02
Picture #4: Conflict
Thumb: 400x300, 27,546 bytes (27K)
Small: 800x623, 82,755 bytes (81K), (html file)
Large: 1600x1200, 1,084,065 bytes (1.0M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2005, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/5.0, ISO 100, 1/500 sec, 70.0mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 388.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on August 21, 2005 16:40:17
Last modified on August 27, 2005 at 13:02
Picture #5: Sealions
Thumb: 400x300, 31,198 bytes (31K)
Small: 800x623, 93,542 bytes (92K), (html file)
Large: 1600x1200, 1,202,380 bytes (1.1M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2005, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/4.0, ISO 100, 1/400 sec, 70.0mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 388.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on August 21, 2005 16:40:40
Last modified on August 27, 2005 at 13:02
Picture #6: Let me tell you about my day
Thumb: 400x300, 30,867 bytes (31K)
Small: 800x623, 95,824 bytes (94K), (html file)
Large: 1600x1200, 1,202,900 bytes (1.1M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2005, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/5.0, ISO 100, 1/650 sec, 70.0mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 388.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on August 21, 2005 16:41:53
Last modified on August 27, 2005 at 13:02
Picture #7: I'll scratch your back if you scratch mine
Thumb: 400x300, 29,427 bytes (29K)
Small: 800x623, 94,155 bytes (92K), (html file)
Large: 1600x1200, 1,162,984 bytes (1.1M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2005, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/5.0, ISO 100, 1/650 sec, 70.0mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 388.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on August 21, 2005 16:42:12
Last modified on August 27, 2005 at 13:02
Picture #8: I'm bored
Thumb: 400x300, 32,804 bytes (33K)
Small: 800x623, 109,667 bytes (108K), (html file)
Large: 1600x1200, 1,298,140 bytes (1.2M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2005, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/5.6, ISO 100, 1/400 sec, 70.0mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 388.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on August 21, 2005 16:42:45
Last modified on August 27, 2005 at 13:02
Picture #9: Be off with you
Thumb: 400x300, 34,111 bytes (34K)
Small: 800x623, 114,680 bytes (112K), (html file)
Large: 1600x1200, 1,292,254 bytes (1.2M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2005, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/5.6, ISO 100, 1/500 sec, 39.3mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 218.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on August 21, 2005 16:45:16
Last modified on August 27, 2005 at 13:02
Picture #10: Kiss, kiss
Thumb: 400x300, 27,223 bytes (27K)
Small: 800x623, 85,723 bytes (84K), (html file)
Large: 1600x1200, 1,135,743 bytes (1.1M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2005, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/5.0, ISO 100, 1/400 sec, 70.0mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 388.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on August 21, 2005 16:47:10
Last modified on August 27, 2005 at 13:02
Picture #11: He said, she said
Thumb: 400x300, 31,900 bytes (32K)
Small: 800x623, 89,422 bytes (88K), (html file)
Large: 1600x1200, 1,112,371 bytes (1.1M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2005, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/4.0, ISO 100, 1/650 sec, 34.1mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 189.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on August 21, 2005 16:54:25
Last modified on August 27, 2005 at 13:02
Picture #12: Sealions #2
Thumb: 400x300, 33,796 bytes (34K)
Small: 800x623, 104,429 bytes (102K), (html file)
Large: 1600x1200, 1,221,684 bytes (1.2M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2005, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/2.8, ISO 100, 1/320 sec, 26.2mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 145.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on August 21, 2005 19:56:43
Last modified on August 27, 2005 at 13:03

Pictures of street performers (6 pictures)

Picture #1: I've got this $50 marked by Tom
Thumb: 300x400, 20,996 bytes (21K)
Small: 600x846, 54,405 bytes (54K), (html file)
Large: 1200x1600, 868,088 bytes (848K), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2005, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/3.5, ISO 100, 1/800 sec, 43.5mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 241.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on August 21, 2005 18:15:08
Last modified on August 27, 2005 at 13:02
Picture #2: Kids
Thumb: 400x300, 32,203 bytes (32K)
Small: 800x623, 80,761 bytes (79K), (html file)
Large: 1600x1200, 1,067,942 bytes (1.0M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2005, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/4.5, ISO 100, 1/500 sec, 54.0mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 300.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on August 21, 2005 18:20:53
Last modified on August 27, 2005 at 13:02
Picture #3: Stand back
Thumb: 400x300, 36,738 bytes (36K)
Small: 800x623, 93,552 bytes (92K), (html file)
Large: 1600x1200, 1,153,890 bytes (1.1M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2005, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/4.0, ISO 100, 1/800 sec, 54.0mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 300.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on August 21, 2005 18:21:45
Last modified on August 27, 2005 at 13:02
Picture #4: The critics are out in force
Thumb: 400x300, 38,190 bytes (38K)
Small: 800x623, 105,450 bytes (103K), (html file)
Large: 1600x1200, 1,237,172 bytes (1.2M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2005, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/5.0, ISO 100, 1/500 sec, 54.0mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 300.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on August 21, 2005 18:21:47
Last modified on August 27, 2005 at 13:02
Picture #5: Fire
Thumb: 300x400, 26,736 bytes (27K)
Small: 600x823, 71,936 bytes (71K), (html file)
Large: 1200x1600, 959,201 bytes (937K), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2005, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/5.6, ISO 100, 1/500 sec, 22.3mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 124.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on August 21, 2005 18:26:23
Last modified on August 27, 2005 at 13:02
Picture #6: Street performer
Thumb: 300x400, 37,877 bytes (37K)
Small: 600x823, 124,542 bytes (122K), (html file)
Large: 1200x1600, 1,383,365 bytes (1.3M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2005, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/2.8, ISO 100, 1/400 sec, 23.2mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 129.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on August 21, 2005 18:46:11
Last modified on August 27, 2005 at 13:02

Pictures of sailboats (8 pictures)

Picture #1: Sailboat in front of Alcatraz
Thumb: 400x300, 17,395 bytes (17K)
Small: 800x623, 51,916 bytes (51K), (html file)
Large: 1600x1200, 970,046 bytes (948K), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2005, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/4.5, ISO 100, 1/500 sec, 70.0mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 388.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on August 21, 2005 18:36:01
Last modified on August 27, 2005 at 13:02
Picture #2: Sailboats
Thumb: 400x300, 28,115 bytes (28K)
Small: 800x623, 91,318 bytes (90K), (html file)
Large: 1600x1200, 1,225,043 bytes (1.2M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2005, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/5.0, ISO 100, 1/500 sec, 7.0mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 39.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on August 21, 2005 18:36:34
Last modified on August 27, 2005 at 13:02
Picture #3: Sailboat and sealions
Thumb: 400x300, 21,947 bytes (22K)
Small: 800x623, 58,161 bytes (57K), (html file)
Large: 1600x1200, 959,318 bytes (937K), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2005, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/4.0, ISO 100, 1/500 sec, 70.0mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 388.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on August 21, 2005 19:02:50
Last modified on August 27, 2005 at 13:02
Picture #4: Sailboat
Thumb: 300x400, 14,111 bytes (14K)
Small: 600x823, 39,158 bytes (39K), (html file)
Large: 1200x1600, 937,318 bytes (916K), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2005, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/3.5, ISO 100, 1/650 sec, 70.0mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 388.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on August 21, 2005 19:05:18
Last modified on August 27, 2005 at 13:02
Picture #5: Sailboat #2
Thumb: 400x300, 19,724 bytes (20K)
Small: 800x623, 57,575 bytes (57K), (html file)
Large: 1600x1200, 1,052,086 bytes (1.0M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2005, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/4.5, ISO 100, 1/650 sec, 61.0mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 338.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on August 21, 2005 19:07:20
Last modified on August 27, 2005 at 13:02
Picture #6: Sailboat in front of the Exploratorium
Thumb: 300x400, 19,438 bytes (19K)
Small: 600x846, 67,364 bytes (66K), (html file)
Large: 1200x1600, 1,031,829 bytes (1008K), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2005, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/4.5, ISO 100, 1/650 sec, 24.2mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 134.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on August 21, 2005 19:12:16
Last modified on August 27, 2005 at 13:02
Picture #7: Sailboat #3
Thumb: 300x400, 19,122 bytes (19K)
Small: 600x823, 59,972 bytes (59K), (html file)
Large: 1200x1600, 1,090,043 bytes (1.0M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2005, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/5.0, ISO 100, 1/650 sec, 22.3mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 124.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on August 21, 2005 19:51:19
Last modified on August 27, 2005 at 13:03
Picture #8: Sailboat #4
Thumb: 300x400, 23,871 bytes (24K)
Small: 600x823, 83,027 bytes (82K), (html file)
Large: 1200x1600, 1,225,521 bytes (1.2M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2005, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/4.5, ISO 100, 1/650 sec, 10.7mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 59.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on August 21, 2005 19:55:48
Last modified on August 27, 2005 at 13:03

Pictures of statues and carvings (3 pictures)

Picture #1: Metal chicken statue
Thumb: 300x400, 31,406 bytes (31K)
Small: 600x823, 85,843 bytes (84K), (html file)
Large: 1200x1600, 1,077,503 bytes (1.0M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2005, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/2.8, ISO 100, 1/200 sec, 15.7mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 87.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on August 21, 2005 18:45:04
Last modified on August 27, 2005 at 13:02
Picture #2: Crab floral statue
Thumb: 300x400, 33,749 bytes (33K)
Small: 600x823, 105,700 bytes (104K), (html file)
Large: 1200x1600, 1,197,191 bytes (1.1M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2005, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/3.5, ISO 100, 1/650 sec, 8.0mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 44.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on August 21, 2005 18:46:44
Last modified on August 27, 2005 at 13:02
Picture #3: Kids love statues
Thumb: 400x300, 31,318 bytes (31K)
Small: 800x623, 90,403 bytes (89K), (html file)
Large: 1600x1200, 1,142,322 bytes (1.1M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2005, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/4.0, ISO 100, 1/650 sec, 21.5mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 119.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on August 21, 2005 18:47:56
Last modified on August 27, 2005 at 13:02

Pictures of the Golden Gate Bridge (5 pictures)

Picture #1: Golden Gate Bridge
Thumb: 400x300, 17,318 bytes (17K)
Small: 800x623, 47,819 bytes (47K), (html file)
Large: 1600x1200, 889,446 bytes (869K), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2005, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/8.0, ISO 100, 1/500 sec, 11.6mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 64.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on August 21, 2005 19:20:21
Last modified on August 27, 2005 at 13:02
Picture #2: Golden Gate Bridge #2
Thumb: 400x300, 17,324 bytes (17K)
Small: 800x623, 49,475 bytes (49K), (html file)
Large: 1600x1200, 921,460 bytes (900K), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2005, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/3.5, ISO 100, 1/500 sec, 11.6mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 64.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on August 21, 2005 19:20:30
Last modified on August 27, 2005 at 13:02
Picture #3: Golden Gate Bridge #3
Thumb: 400x300, 19,754 bytes (20K)
Small: 800x623, 56,103 bytes (55K), (html file)
Large: 1600x1200, 954,131 bytes (932K), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2005, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/5.6, ISO 100, 1/650 sec, 7.8mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 43.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on August 21, 2005 19:21:07
Last modified on August 27, 2005 at 13:02
Picture #4: Golden Gate Bridge #4
Thumb: 400x300, 20,408 bytes (20K)
Small: 800x623, 62,602 bytes (62K), (html file)
Large: 1600x1200, 1,083,471 bytes (1.0M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2005, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/2.8, ISO 100, 1/400 sec, 15.7mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 87.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on August 21, 2005 19:22:42
Last modified on August 27, 2005 at 13:02
Picture #5: Golden Gate Bridge #5
Thumb: 400x300, 18,146 bytes (18K)
Small: 800x623, 62,452 bytes (61K), (html file)
Large: 1600x1200, 1,031,709 bytes (1008K), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2005, All rights reserved
Olympus C-2100UZ camera
f/7.0, ISO 100, 1/500 sec, 15.2mm, auto mode, SHQ, cloudy, matrix metering
35mm equivalent focal length 84.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on August 21, 2005 20:24:07
Last modified on August 27, 2005 at 13:03

Picture sublinks

Michael Meissner,