Our lady of the flowers

Our lady of the flowers

1920x2560, 3,864,837 bytes (3.7M)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2007, All rights reserved
Olympus E-1 camera with Olympus 50mm f/2.0 lens
f/3.2, ISO 100, 1/250 sec, 50.0mm, auto mode, SHQ, matrix metering, +2 sharpening
35mm equivalent focal length 100.0mm
Programs used: rotate
Taken by Michael Meissner on May 03, 2007 17:44:57
Last modified on May 03, 2007 at 17:44
I took this at a catholic church when I donated blood to the red cross drive. While the daffodils are bending down because it is the end of the day, it looked like they were paying homage to Mary.

Links to the 2007-05 album this picture is contained in:
