Babamoo with a christmas hat #2

Babamoo with a christmas hat #2

2000x2000, 2,900,269 bytes (2.8M)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2008, All rights reserved
Olympus E-3 camera with Sigma 30mm f/1.4 lens
f/1.4, ISO 100, flash, 1/60 sec, 30.0mm, auto mode, natural color, auto gradation, matrix metering, image stabilization
35mm equivalent focal length 60.0mm
Extra equipment used: builtin flash
Programs used: gimp
Taken by Michael Meissner on December 24, 2008 10:10:20
Last modified on December 29, 2008 at 08:44
My daughter picked up the sheep at Stonehenge, and called it 'Babamoo'. My wife and I decided to enhance it with a christmas hat for christmas.

Links to the 2008-12 album this picture is contained in: