Pictures taken from the rehearsals of the 2008 Winslow renaissance faire (49 pictures)

These pictures were taken at the rehearsals for the 2008 Winslow Renaissance Fare.

The copyright owner on these pictures is Michael Meissner. Please direct any comments about this web page to

Michael Meissner's home page is at, his Renaissance Faire/SF convention links are at, his digital camera links are at, his calendar links are at, and the head of these photo albums is at

Clicking on the thumb file link will show you the thumbnail picture that has been reduced to at most 400x300 or 342x456 pixels depending on the picture orientation.

Clicking on the small file link will show you the picture that has been reduced to at most 1296x960 or 976x1280 pixels depending on the picture orientation.

The large file link is the fullsize picture after any editing, and the pictures are up to 2736x3648 or 2736x3648 pixels depending on the picture orientation.

This page lists pictures without thumbnails. If you want to view the pictures with thumbnails, classified by grouping like subjects together, click here. If you want to view the pictures with thumbnails arranged from newest to oldest, click here.

Picture sublinks

Picture #1: Charlie
Thumb: 320x240, 31,248 bytes (31K)
Small: 1280x976, 184,428 bytes (181K), (html file)
Large: 2560x1920, 4,525,432 bytes (4.3M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2008, All rights reserved
Olympus E-1 camera with Olympus 14-54mm f/2.8-3.5 lens
f/4.5, ISO 100, 1/125 sec, 23.0mm, auto mode, SHQ, matrix metering, +2 sharpening, continous focus
35mm equivalent focal length 46.0mm
Programs used: gimp
Taken by Michael Meissner on April 26, 2008 13:40:04
Last modified on October 21, 2008 at 07:44
Picture #2: Bumbly
Thumb: 320x240, 30,544 bytes (30K)
Small: 1280x976, 196,850 bytes (193K), (html file)
Large: 2560x1920, 3,204,350 bytes (3.1M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2008, All rights reserved
Olympus E-1 camera with Olympus 14-54mm f/2.8-3.5 lens
f/4.5, ISO 100, FL-50 flash (-1 flash compensation), 1/160 sec, 46.0mm, auto mode, SHQ, matrix metering, +2 sharpening, continous focus
35mm equivalent focal length 92.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on April 26, 2008 13:51:25
Last modified on October 21, 2008 at 07:44
Picture #3: The green man
Thumb: 320x240, 37,129 bytes (37K)
Small: 1280x976, 271,115 bytes (265K), (html file)
Large: 2560x1920, 5,417,245 bytes (5.2M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2008, All rights reserved
Olympus E-1 camera with Olympus 14-54mm f/2.8-3.5 lens
f/5.0, ISO 100, 1/200 sec, 33.0mm, auto mode, SHQ, matrix metering, +2 sharpening, continous focus
35mm equivalent focal length 66.0mm
Programs used: gimp
Taken by Michael Meissner on April 26, 2008 13:57:45
Last modified on October 21, 2008 at 07:46
Picture #4: Charlie #2
Thumb: 320x240, 28,088 bytes (28K)
Small: 1280x976, 142,671 bytes (140K), (html file)
Large: 2560x1920, 3,617,642 bytes (3.5M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2008, All rights reserved
Olympus E-1 camera with Olympus 14-54mm f/2.8-3.5 lens
f/4.0, ISO 100, FL-50 flash (-1 flash compensation), 1/100 sec, 52.0mm, auto mode, SHQ, matrix metering, +2 sharpening, continous focus
35mm equivalent focal length 104.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on April 26, 2008 14:02:07
Last modified on October 21, 2008 at 07:47
Picture #5: Wood sprite
Thumb: 240x320, 33,562 bytes (33K)
Small: 960x1296, 182,226 bytes (178K), (html file)
Large: 1920x2560, 3,649,733 bytes (3.5M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2008, All rights reserved
Olympus E-1 camera with Olympus 14-54mm f/2.8-3.5 lens
f/3.5, ISO 100, FL-50 flash (-1 flash compensation), 1/100 sec, 52.0mm, auto mode, SHQ, matrix metering, +2 sharpening, continous focus
35mm equivalent focal length 104.0mm
Programs used: rotate
Taken by Michael Meissner on April 26, 2008 14:20:06
Last modified on October 21, 2008 at 07:48
Picture #6: Weathervane
Thumb: 320x240, 37,701 bytes (37K)
Small: 1280x976, 153,443 bytes (150K), (html file)
Large: 2560x1920, 3,606,722 bytes (3.4M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2008, All rights reserved
Olympus E-1 camera with Olympus 14-54mm f/2.8-3.5 lens
f/3.5, ISO 100, FL-50 flash (-1 flash compensation), 1/100 sec, 54.0mm, auto mode, SHQ, matrix metering, +2 sharpening, continous focus
35mm equivalent focal length 108.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on April 26, 2008 14:22:34
Last modified on October 21, 2008 at 07:48
Picture #7: Seasaw
Thumb: 320x240, 41,599 bytes (41K)
Small: 1280x976, 335,860 bytes (328K), (html file)
Large: 2560x1920, 3,674,964 bytes (3.5M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2008, All rights reserved
Olympus E-1 camera with Olympus 14-54mm f/2.8-3.5 lens
f/4.5, ISO 100, FL-50 flash (-1 flash compensation), 1/100 sec, 19.0mm, auto mode, SHQ, matrix metering, +2 sharpening, continous focus
35mm equivalent focal length 38.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on April 26, 2008 14:24:41
Last modified on October 21, 2008 at 07:49
Picture #8: Hello there
Thumb: 456x342, 46,609 bytes (46K)
Small: 912x700, 92,072 bytes (90K), (html file)
Large: 3648x2736, 8,614,557 bytes (8.2M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2008, All rights reserved
Olympus E-510 camera with Olympus 50-200mm f/2.8-3.5 lens
f/4.5, ISO 200, 1/320 sec, 200.0mm, auto mode, natural color, SHQ, matrix metering, -1 sharpening, image stabilization, noise filter low
35mm equivalent focal length 401.0mm
Programs used: gimp
Taken by Michael Meissner on April 26, 2008 14:30:02
Last modified on October 21, 2008 at 07:51
Picture #9: Actor
Thumb: 240x320, 41,109 bytes (41K)
Small: 960x1296, 176,803 bytes (173K), (html file)
Large: 1920x2560, 4,010,785 bytes (3.8M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2008, All rights reserved
Olympus E-1 camera with Olympus 14-54mm f/2.8-3.5 lens
f/4.0, ISO 100, FL-50 flash (-1 flash compensation), 1/160 sec, 42.0mm, auto mode, SHQ, matrix metering, +2 sharpening, continous focus
35mm equivalent focal length 84.0mm
Programs used: rotate
Taken by Michael Meissner on April 26, 2008 14:43:14
Last modified on October 21, 2008 at 07:51
Picture #10: King of the hill
Thumb: 456x342, 83,054 bytes (82K)
Small: 912x700, 219,742 bytes (215K), (html file)
Large: 3648x2736, 6,892,792 bytes (6.6M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2008, All rights reserved
Olympus E-510 camera with Olympus 50-200mm f/2.8-3.5 lens
f/5.0, ISO 200, 1/500 sec, 147.0mm, auto mode, natural color, SHQ, matrix metering, -1 sharpening, image stabilization, noise filter low
35mm equivalent focal length 295.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on April 26, 2008 14:59:40
Last modified on October 21, 2008 at 07:52
Picture #11: Juggling
Thumb: 240x320, 41,158 bytes (41K)
Small: 960x1296, 228,403 bytes (224K), (html file)
Large: 1920x2560, 3,848,505 bytes (3.7M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2008, All rights reserved
Olympus E-1 camera with Olympus 14-54mm f/2.8-3.5 lens
f/3.5, ISO 100, FL-50 flash (-1 flash compensation), 1/40 sec, 19.0mm, auto mode, SHQ, matrix metering, +2 sharpening, continous focus
35mm equivalent focal length 38.0mm
Programs used: rotate
Taken by Michael Meissner on April 26, 2008 15:01:46
Last modified on October 21, 2008 at 07:52
Picture #12: Juggling #2
Thumb: 240x320, 41,384 bytes (41K)
Small: 960x1296, 235,464 bytes (230K), (html file)
Large: 1920x2560, 4,059,378 bytes (3.9M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2008, All rights reserved
Olympus E-1 camera with Olympus 14-54mm f/2.8-3.5 lens
f/3.2, ISO 100, FL-50 flash (-1 flash compensation), 1/40 sec, 20.0mm, auto mode, SHQ, matrix metering, +2 sharpening, continous focus
35mm equivalent focal length 40.0mm
Programs used: rotate
Taken by Michael Meissner on April 26, 2008 15:02:01
Last modified on October 21, 2008 at 07:52
Picture #13: Charlie #3
Thumb: 320x240, 38,670 bytes (38K)
Small: 1280x976, 165,238 bytes (162K), (html file)
Large: 2560x1920, 3,566,789 bytes (3.4M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2008, All rights reserved
Olympus E-1 camera with Olympus 14-54mm f/2.8-3.5 lens
f/4.0, ISO 100, FL-50 flash (-1 flash compensation), 1/100 sec, 45.0mm, auto mode, SHQ, matrix metering, +2 sharpening, continous focus
35mm equivalent focal length 90.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on April 26, 2008 15:13:24
Last modified on October 21, 2008 at 07:52
Picture #14: Get away from here
Thumb: 456x342, 60,823 bytes (60K)
Small: 912x700, 141,429 bytes (139K), (html file)
Large: 3648x2736, 6,444,534 bytes (6.1M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2008, All rights reserved
Olympus E-510 camera with Olympus 50-200mm f/2.8-3.5 lens
f/6.3, ISO 200, 1/640 sec, 50.0mm, auto mode, natural color, SHQ, matrix metering, -1 sharpening, image stabilization, noise filter low
35mm equivalent focal length 100.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on April 26, 2008 15:24:38
Last modified on October 21, 2008 at 07:53
Picture #15: How do you like my wings?
Thumb: 456x342, 62,232 bytes (61K)
Small: 912x700, 147,871 bytes (145K), (html file)
Large: 3648x2736, 6,528,574 bytes (6.2M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2008, All rights reserved
Olympus E-510 camera with Olympus 50-200mm f/2.8-3.5 lens
f/6.3, ISO 200, 1/640 sec, 50.0mm, auto mode, natural color, SHQ, matrix metering, -1 sharpening, image stabilization, noise filter low
35mm equivalent focal length 100.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on April 26, 2008 15:24:38
Last modified on October 21, 2008 at 07:53
Picture #16: Peacock
Thumb: 320x240, 40,155 bytes (40K)
Small: 1280x976, 312,295 bytes (305K), (html file)
Large: 2560x1920, 3,489,928 bytes (3.3M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2008, All rights reserved
Olympus E-1 camera with Olympus 14-54mm f/2.8-3.5 lens
f/4.0, ISO 100, FL-50 flash (-1 flash compensation), 1/100 sec, 37.0mm, auto mode, SHQ, matrix metering, +2 sharpening, continous focus
35mm equivalent focal length 74.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on April 26, 2008 15:26:26
Last modified on October 21, 2008 at 07:53
Picture #17: Who are you?
Thumb: 320x240, 35,490 bytes (35K)
Small: 1280x976, 137,956 bytes (135K), (html file)
Large: 2560x1920, 4,510,529 bytes (4.3M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2008, All rights reserved
Olympus E-1 camera with Olympus 14-54mm f/2.8-3.5 lens
f/4.5, ISO 100, 1/200 sec, 54.0mm, auto mode, SHQ, matrix metering, +2 sharpening, continous focus
35mm equivalent focal length 108.0mm
Programs used: gimp
Taken by Michael Meissner on April 26, 2008 15:26:51
Last modified on October 21, 2008 at 07:55
Picture #18: Cheers!
Thumb: 320x240, 41,381 bytes (41K)
Small: 1280x976, 241,426 bytes (236K), (html file)
Large: 2560x1920, 3,387,447 bytes (3.2M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2008, All rights reserved
Olympus E-1 camera with Olympus 14-54mm f/2.8-3.5 lens
f/4.0, ISO 100, FL-50 flash (-1 flash compensation), 1/160 sec, 52.0mm, auto mode, SHQ, matrix metering, +2 sharpening, continous focus
35mm equivalent focal length 104.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on April 26, 2008 15:33:35
Last modified on October 21, 2008 at 07:56
Picture #19: Skull
Thumb: 300x400, 47,539 bytes (47K)
Small: 750x1016, 121,739 bytes (119K), (html file)
Large: 1500x2000, 2,532,540 bytes (2.4M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2008, All rights reserved
Olympus E-510 camera with Olympus 50-200mm f/2.8-3.5 lens
f/4.5, ISO 200, 1/500 sec, 108.0mm, auto mode, natural color, SHQ, matrix metering, -1 sharpening, image stabilization, noise filter low
35mm equivalent focal length 216.0mm
Programs used: gimp
Taken by Michael Meissner on April 26, 2008 15:33:38
Last modified on October 21, 2008 at 07:58
Picture #20: Rehearsal
Thumb: 320x240, 34,940 bytes (35K)
Small: 1280x976, 293,572 bytes (287K), (html file)
Large: 2560x1920, 3,560,320 bytes (3.4M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2008, All rights reserved
Olympus E-1 camera with Olympus 14-54mm f/2.8-3.5 lens
f/5.0, ISO 400, 1/200 sec, 50.0mm, auto mode, SHQ, matrix metering, +2 sharpening
35mm equivalent focal length 100.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on June 22, 2008 12:31:18
Last modified on October 21, 2008 at 08:02
Picture #21: Scratch the itch
Thumb: 320x240, 26,519 bytes (26K)
Small: 1280x976, 190,811 bytes (187K), (html file)
Large: 2560x1920, 3,429,918 bytes (3.3M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2008, All rights reserved
Olympus E-1 camera with Olympus 14-54mm f/2.8-3.5 lens
f/3.5, ISO 200, 1/100 sec, 38.0mm, auto mode, SHQ, matrix metering, +2 sharpening
35mm equivalent focal length 76.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on June 22, 2008 13:10:41
Last modified on October 21, 2008 at 08:03
Picture #22: Please lord, no rain!
Thumb: 320x240, 28,129 bytes (28K)
Small: 1280x976, 158,386 bytes (155K), (html file)
Large: 2560x1920, 3,484,170 bytes (3.3M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2008, All rights reserved
Olympus E-1 camera with Olympus 14-54mm f/2.8-3.5 lens
f/5.0, ISO 400, 1/200 sec, 54.0mm, auto mode, SHQ, matrix metering, +2 sharpening
35mm equivalent focal length 108.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on June 22, 2008 13:35:06
Last modified on October 21, 2008 at 08:03
Picture #23: Rehearsal #2
Thumb: 320x240, 26,281 bytes (26K)
Small: 1280x976, 145,559 bytes (143K), (html file)
Large: 2560x1920, 3,458,450 bytes (3.3M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2008, All rights reserved
Olympus E-1 camera with Olympus 14-54mm f/2.8-3.5 lens
f/4.0, ISO 400, FL-50 flash, 1/160 sec, 51.0mm, auto mode, SHQ, matrix metering, +2 sharpening
35mm equivalent focal length 102.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on June 22, 2008 13:39:49
Last modified on October 21, 2008 at 08:04
Picture #24: Rehearsal #3
Thumb: 320x240, 34,728 bytes (34K)
Small: 1280x976, 256,644 bytes (251K), (html file)
Large: 2560x1920, 5,145,454 bytes (4.9M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2008, All rights reserved
Olympus E-1 camera with Olympus 14-54mm f/2.8-3.5 lens
f/5.0, ISO 400, 1/125 sec, 19.0mm, auto mode, SHQ, matrix metering, +2 sharpening
35mm equivalent focal length 38.0mm
Programs used: gimp
Taken by Michael Meissner on June 22, 2008 13:40:29
Last modified on October 21, 2008 at 08:04
Picture #25: Rehearsal #4
Thumb: 320x240, 22,181 bytes (22K)
Small: 1280x976, 131,789 bytes (129K), (html file)
Large: 2560x1920, 3,481,754 bytes (3.3M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2008, All rights reserved
Olympus E-1 camera with Olympus 14-54mm f/2.8-3.5 lens
f/4.5, ISO 400, 1/160 sec, 45.0mm, auto mode, SHQ, matrix metering, +2 sharpening
35mm equivalent focal length 90.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on June 22, 2008 13:41:29
Last modified on October 21, 2008 at 08:05
Picture #26: Rehearsal #5
Thumb: 320x240, 28,612 bytes (28K)
Small: 1280x976, 188,573 bytes (185K), (html file)
Large: 2560x1920, 5,294,566 bytes (5.0M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2008, All rights reserved
Olympus E-1 camera with Olympus 14-54mm f/2.8-3.5 lens
f/3.5, ISO 400, 1/100 sec, 38.0mm, auto mode, SHQ, matrix metering, +2 sharpening
35mm equivalent focal length 76.0mm
Programs used: gimp
Taken by Michael Meissner on June 22, 2008 13:41:39
Last modified on October 21, 2008 at 08:05
Picture #27: Bumbly #2
Thumb: 320x240, 27,643 bytes (27K)
Small: 1280x976, 148,724 bytes (146K), (html file)
Large: 2560x1920, 4,803,161 bytes (4.6M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2008, All rights reserved
Olympus E-1 camera with Olympus 14-54mm f/2.8-3.5 lens
f/3.5, ISO 400, 1/30 sec, 50.0mm, auto mode, SHQ, matrix metering, +2 sharpening
35mm equivalent focal length 100.0mm
Programs used: gimp
Taken by Michael Meissner on June 22, 2008 13:42:04
Last modified on October 21, 2008 at 08:06
Picture #28: Dancing
Thumb: 240x320, 27,116 bytes (27K)
Small: 960x1296, 153,557 bytes (150K), (html file)
Large: 1920x2560, 5,006,255 bytes (4.8M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2008, All rights reserved
Olympus E-1 camera with Olympus 14-54mm f/2.8-3.5 lens
f/5.6, ISO 400, 1/250 sec, 33.0mm, auto mode, SHQ, matrix metering, +2 sharpening
35mm equivalent focal length 66.0mm
Programs used: gimp, rotate
Taken by Michael Meissner on June 22, 2008 13:44:04
Last modified on October 21, 2008 at 08:06
Picture #29: Rehearsal #6
Thumb: 320x240, 20,996 bytes (21K)
Small: 1280x976, 123,380 bytes (121K), (html file)
Large: 2560x1920, 5,533,332 bytes (5.3M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2008, All rights reserved
Olympus E-1 camera with Olympus 14-54mm f/2.8-3.5 lens
f/4.0, ISO 400, 1/160 sec, 50.0mm, auto mode, SHQ, matrix metering, +2 sharpening
35mm equivalent focal length 100.0mm
Programs used: gimp
Taken by Michael Meissner on June 22, 2008 13:45:57
Last modified on October 21, 2008 at 08:07
Picture #30: Rehearsal #7
Thumb: 320x240, 22,284 bytes (22K)
Small: 1280x976, 119,856 bytes (118K), (html file)
Large: 2560x1920, 5,049,760 bytes (4.8M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2008, All rights reserved
Olympus E-1 camera with Olympus 14-54mm f/2.8-3.5 lens
f/3.5, ISO 400, 1/100 sec, 54.0mm, auto mode, SHQ, matrix metering, +2 sharpening
35mm equivalent focal length 108.0mm
Programs used: gimp
Taken by Michael Meissner on June 22, 2008 13:46:09
Last modified on October 21, 2008 at 08:07
Picture #31: Gia
Thumb: 320x240, 27,394 bytes (27K)
Small: 1280x976, 170,906 bytes (167K), (html file)
Large: 2560x1920, 5,447,818 bytes (5.2M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2008, All rights reserved
Olympus E-1 camera with Olympus 14-54mm f/2.8-3.5 lens
f/5.0, ISO 400, 1/250 sec, 47.0mm, auto mode, SHQ, matrix metering, +2 sharpening
35mm equivalent focal length 94.0mm
Programs used: gimp
Taken by Michael Meissner on June 22, 2008 13:46:52
Last modified on October 21, 2008 at 08:08
Picture #32: Rehearsal #8
Thumb: 320x240, 27,770 bytes (28K)
Small: 1280x976, 163,272 bytes (160K), (html file)
Large: 2560x1920, 4,933,605 bytes (4.7M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2008, All rights reserved
Olympus E-1 camera with Olympus 14-54mm f/2.8-3.5 lens
f/5.6, ISO 400, 1/250 sec, 54.0mm, auto mode, SHQ, matrix metering, +2 sharpening
35mm equivalent focal length 108.0mm
Programs used: gimp
Taken by Michael Meissner on June 22, 2008 13:49:14
Last modified on October 21, 2008 at 08:08
Picture #33: Gia #2
Thumb: 320x240, 29,052 bytes (29K)
Small: 1280x976, 172,149 bytes (169K), (html file)
Large: 2560x1920, 5,173,815 bytes (4.9M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2008, All rights reserved
Olympus E-1 camera with Olympus 14-54mm f/2.8-3.5 lens
f/5.0, ISO 400, 1/250 sec, 50.0mm, auto mode, SHQ, matrix metering, +2 sharpening
35mm equivalent focal length 100.0mm
Programs used: gimp
Taken by Michael Meissner on June 22, 2008 13:49:30
Last modified on October 21, 2008 at 08:09
Picture #34: Rehearsal #9
Thumb: 320x240, 35,323 bytes (35K)
Small: 1280x976, 209,278 bytes (205K), (html file)
Large: 2560x1920, 4,992,447 bytes (4.8M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2008, All rights reserved
Olympus E-1 camera with Olympus 14-54mm f/2.8-3.5 lens
f/7.1, ISO 400, 1/400 sec, 42.0mm, auto mode, SHQ, matrix metering, +2 sharpening
35mm equivalent focal length 84.0mm
Programs used: gimp
Taken by Michael Meissner on June 22, 2008 13:55:01
Last modified on October 21, 2008 at 08:10
Picture #35: Rehearsal #10
Thumb: 320x240, 27,638 bytes (27K)
Small: 1280x976, 194,187 bytes (190K), (html file)
Large: 2560x1920, 3,515,572 bytes (3.4M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2008, All rights reserved
Olympus E-1 camera with Olympus 14-54mm f/2.8-3.5 lens
f/4.5, ISO 400, 1/160 sec, 32.0mm, auto mode, SHQ, matrix metering, +2 sharpening
35mm equivalent focal length 64.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on June 22, 2008 13:55:30
Last modified on October 21, 2008 at 08:10
Picture #36: Rehearsal #11
Thumb: 320x240, 31,921 bytes (32K)
Small: 1280x976, 203,647 bytes (199K), (html file)
Large: 2560x1920, 5,250,758 bytes (5.0M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2008, All rights reserved
Olympus E-1 camera with Olympus 14-54mm f/2.8-3.5 lens
f/6.3, ISO 400, 1/320 sec, 32.0mm, auto mode, SHQ, matrix metering, +2 sharpening
35mm equivalent focal length 64.0mm
Programs used: gimp
Taken by Michael Meissner on June 22, 2008 13:58:07
Last modified on October 21, 2008 at 08:10
Picture #37: Rehearsal #12
Thumb: 240x320, 33,959 bytes (34K)
Small: 960x1296, 165,284 bytes (162K), (html file)
Large: 1920x2560, 3,918,292 bytes (3.7M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2008, All rights reserved
Olympus E-1 camera with Olympus 14-54mm f/2.8-3.5 lens
f/4.5, ISO 100, 1/160 sec, 42.0mm, auto mode, SHQ, matrix metering, +2 sharpening
35mm equivalent focal length 84.0mm
Programs used: rotate
Taken by Michael Meissner on June 22, 2008 13:59:21
Last modified on October 21, 2008 at 08:11
Picture #38: Gia #3
Thumb: 320x240, 33,041 bytes (33K)
Small: 1280x976, 183,557 bytes (180K), (html file)
Large: 2560x1920, 3,948,678 bytes (3.8M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2008, All rights reserved
Olympus E-1 camera with Olympus 14-54mm f/2.8-3.5 lens
f/4.5, ISO 100, 1/160 sec, 48.0mm, auto mode, SHQ, matrix metering, +2 sharpening
35mm equivalent focal length 96.0mm
Programs used: gimp
Taken by Michael Meissner on June 22, 2008 14:00:20
Last modified on October 21, 2008 at 08:12
Picture #39: Rehearsal #13
Thumb: 320x240, 21,493 bytes (21K)
Small: 1280x976, 86,432 bytes (85K), (html file)
Large: 2560x1920, 4,406,496 bytes (4.2M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2008, All rights reserved
Olympus E-1 camera with Olympus 14-54mm f/2.8-3.5 lens
f/3.4, ISO 100, 1/60 sec, 47.0mm, auto mode, SHQ, matrix metering, +2 sharpening
35mm equivalent focal length 94.0mm
Programs used: gimp
Taken by Michael Meissner on June 22, 2008 14:06:58
Last modified on October 21, 2008 at 08:12
Picture #40: Rehearsal #14
Thumb: 320x240, 25,965 bytes (26K)
Small: 1280x976, 112,681 bytes (111K), (html file)
Large: 2560x1920, 4,296,385 bytes (4.1M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2008, All rights reserved
Olympus E-1 camera with Olympus 14-54mm f/2.8-3.5 lens
f/3.4, ISO 100, 1/50 sec, 47.0mm, auto mode, SHQ, matrix metering, +2 sharpening
35mm equivalent focal length 94.0mm
Programs used: gimp
Taken by Michael Meissner on June 22, 2008 14:07:02
Last modified on October 21, 2008 at 08:13
Picture #41: Rehearsal #15
Thumb: 320x240, 26,207 bytes (26K)
Small: 1280x976, 118,679 bytes (116K), (html file)
Large: 2560x1920, 3,949,461 bytes (3.8M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2008, All rights reserved
Olympus E-1 camera with Olympus 14-54mm f/2.8-3.5 lens
f/3.3, ISO 100, 1/100 sec, 43.0mm, auto mode, SHQ, matrix metering, +2 sharpening
35mm equivalent focal length 86.0mm
Programs used: gimp
Taken by Michael Meissner on June 22, 2008 14:07:42
Last modified on October 21, 2008 at 08:14
Picture #42: Dancing #2
Thumb: 320x240, 32,087 bytes (32K)
Small: 1280x976, 282,998 bytes (277K), (html file)
Large: 2560x1920, 3,451,789 bytes (3.3M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2008, All rights reserved
Olympus E-1 camera with Olympus 14-54mm f/2.8-3.5 lens
f/7.1, ISO 100, 1/200 sec, 14.0mm, auto mode, SHQ, matrix metering, +2 sharpening
35mm equivalent focal length 28.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on June 22, 2008 14:11:28
Last modified on October 21, 2008 at 08:14
Picture #43: Dancing #3
Thumb: 320x240, 33,241 bytes (33K)
Small: 1280x976, 284,700 bytes (279K), (html file)
Large: 2560x1920, 3,518,949 bytes (3.4M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2008, All rights reserved
Olympus E-1 camera with Olympus 14-54mm f/2.8-3.5 lens
f/6.3, ISO 100, 1/200 sec, 14.0mm, auto mode, SHQ, matrix metering, +2 sharpening
35mm equivalent focal length 28.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on June 22, 2008 14:11:45
Last modified on October 21, 2008 at 08:15
Picture #44: A moment of rest
Thumb: 320x240, 34,813 bytes (34K)
Small: 1280x976, 199,347 bytes (195K), (html file)
Large: 2560x1920, 4,071,215 bytes (3.9M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2008, All rights reserved
Olympus E-1 camera with Olympus 14-54mm f/2.8-3.5 lens
f/4.5, ISO 100, 1/160 sec, 54.0mm, auto mode, SHQ, matrix metering, +2 sharpening
35mm equivalent focal length 108.0mm
Programs used: gimp
Taken by Michael Meissner on June 22, 2008 14:28:32
Last modified on October 21, 2008 at 08:15
Picture #45: Shakespeare at rest
Thumb: 320x240, 36,920 bytes (37K)
Small: 1280x976, 288,826 bytes (283K), (html file)
Large: 2560x1920, 5,268,534 bytes (5.0M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2008, All rights reserved
Olympus E-1 camera with Olympus 14-54mm f/2.8-3.5 lens
f/4.5, ISO 100, 1/160 sec, 43.0mm, auto mode, SHQ, matrix metering, +2 sharpening
35mm equivalent focal length 86.0mm
Programs used: gimp
Taken by Michael Meissner on June 22, 2008 15:08:35
Last modified on October 21, 2008 at 08:16
Picture #46: Shakespeare at rest #2
Thumb: 320x240, 36,188 bytes (36K)
Small: 1280x976, 284,571 bytes (278K), (html file)
Large: 2560x1920, 5,271,511 bytes (5.0M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2008, All rights reserved
Olympus E-1 camera with Olympus 14-54mm f/2.8-3.5 lens
f/5.0, ISO 100, 1/200 sec, 45.0mm, auto mode, SHQ, matrix metering, +2 sharpening
35mm equivalent focal length 90.0mm
Programs used: gimp
Taken by Michael Meissner on June 22, 2008 15:08:42
Last modified on October 21, 2008 at 08:16
Picture #47: Rehearsal #16
Thumb: 320x240, 28,903 bytes (29K)
Small: 1280x976, 163,641 bytes (160K), (html file)
Large: 2560x1920, 4,799,920 bytes (4.6M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2008, All rights reserved
Olympus E-1 camera with Olympus 14-54mm f/2.8-3.5 lens
f/4.0, ISO 100, 1/100 sec, 29.0mm, auto mode, SHQ, matrix metering, +2 sharpening
35mm equivalent focal length 58.0mm
Programs used: gimp
Taken by Michael Meissner on June 22, 2008 15:08:55
Last modified on October 21, 2008 at 08:17
Picture #48: Rehearsal #17
Thumb: 240x320, 32,594 bytes (32K)
Small: 960x1296, 203,148 bytes (199K), (html file)
Large: 1920x2560, 4,348,823 bytes (4.1M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2008, All rights reserved
Olympus E-1 camera with Olympus 14-54mm f/2.8-3.5 lens
f/5.0, ISO 100, 1/160 sec, 32.0mm, auto mode, SHQ, matrix metering, +2 sharpening
35mm equivalent focal length 64.0mm
Programs used: gimp, rotate
Taken by Michael Meissner on June 22, 2008 15:09:40
Last modified on October 21, 2008 at 08:17
Picture #49: Rehearsal #18
Thumb: 320x240, 32,875 bytes (33K)
Small: 1280x976, 213,649 bytes (209K), (html file)
Large: 2560x1920, 3,160,137 bytes (3.0M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2008, All rights reserved
Olympus E-1 camera with Olympus 14-54mm f/2.8-3.5 lens
f/3.2, ISO 100, 1/80 sec, 35.0mm, auto mode, SHQ, matrix metering, +2 sharpening
35mm equivalent focal length 70.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on June 22, 2008 15:15:45
Last modified on October 21, 2008 at 08:17

Picture sublinks

Michael Meissner,