General pictures taken in April, 2015 (72 pictures)

General pictures taken in April, 2015.

The copyright owner on these pictures is Michael Meissner. Please direct any comments about this web page to

Michael Meissner's home page is at, his Renaissance Faire/SF convention links are at, his digital camera links are at, his calendar links are at, and the head of these photo albums is at

Clicking on the thumb file link will show you the thumbnail picture that has been reduced to at most 480x360 or 320x480 pixels depending on the picture orientation.

Clicking on the small file link will show you the picture that has been reduced to at most 923x675 or 698x900 pixels depending on the picture orientation.

The large file link is the fullsize picture after any editing, and the pictures are up to 3600x2700 or 2700x3600 pixels depending on the picture orientation.

This page lists pictures without thumbnails. If you want to view the pictures with thumbnails, classified by grouping like subjects together, click here. If you want to view the pictures with thumbnails arranged from newest to oldest, click here.

Picture sublinks

Friends and family pictures (1 picture)

Picture #1: Passport photo
Thumb: 400x400, 34,172 bytes (34K)
Small: 600x623, 53,492 bytes (53K), (html file)
Large: 600x600, 288,489 bytes (282K), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2015, All rights reserved
Olympus E-5 camera with Olympus 14-54mm f/2.8-3.5 lens
f/3.0, ISO 200, Metz 48 flash, 1/60 sec, 22.0mm, auto mode, natural color, HQ, matrix metering, image stabilization
35mm equivalent focal length 44.0mm
Programs used: crop, gimp, raw therapee
Taken by Michael Meissner on April 08, 2015 05:42:06
Last modified on April 08, 2015 at 07:45

Pictures of the Big Apple Circus (64 pictures)

Picture #1: Big Apple in Boston
Thumb: 450x338, 55,110 bytes (54K)
Small: 900x698, 170,708 bytes (167K), (html file)
Large: 3600x2700, 3,268,801 bytes (3.1M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2015, All rights reserved
Olympus Stylus-1 camera
f/3.5, ISO 100, 1/1000 sec, 6.7mm, auto mode, vivid color, matrix metering, image stabilization (mode 4), noise reduction auto, noise filter low
35mm equivalent focal length 32.0mm
Programs used: adjusttime, crop, raw therapee
Taken by Michael Meissner on April 04, 2015 15:43:16
Last modified on April 12, 2015 at 19:49
Picture #2: Francesco
Thumb: 360x480, 43,088 bytes (43K)
Small: 600x823, 72,944 bytes (72K), (html file)
Large: 1800x2400, 2,267,202 bytes (2.2M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2015, All rights reserved
Olympus Stylus-1 camera
f/2.8, ISO 800, 1/125 sec, 64.3mm, auto mode, vivid color, spot metering, image stabilization (mode 4), noise reduction auto, noise filter low
35mm equivalent focal length 300.0mm
Programs used: crop, gimp, raw therapee
Taken by Michael Meissner on April 04, 2015 16:38:17
Last modified on April 12, 2015 at 19:54
Picture #3: Trapeze artists
Thumb: 450x338, 36,298 bytes (36K)
Small: 900x698, 74,561 bytes (73K), (html file)
Large: 3600x2700, 6,383,723 bytes (6.1M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2015, All rights reserved
Olympus Stylus-1 camera
f/2.8, ISO 1600, 1/60 sec, 64.3mm, auto mode, vivid color, spot metering, image stabilization (mode 4), noise reduction auto, noise filter low
35mm equivalent focal length 300.0mm
Programs used: NoiseNinja, crop, gimp
Taken by Michael Meissner on April 04, 2015 16:40:04
Last modified on April 12, 2015 at 19:59
Picture #4: Trapeze artists #2
Thumb: 300x400, 39,435 bytes (39K)
Small: 600x823, 89,296 bytes (88K), (html file)
Large: 1200x1600, 1,411,309 bytes (1.3M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2015, All rights reserved
Olympus Stylus-1 camera
f/2.8, ISO 1000, 1/20 sec, 16.1mm, auto mode, vivid color, spot metering, image stabilization (mode 4), noise reduction auto, noise filter low
35mm equivalent focal length 76.0mm
Programs used: crop, gimp, raw therapee
Taken by Michael Meissner on April 04, 2015 16:40:08
Last modified on April 12, 2015 at 20:00
Picture #5: Tatevik Seyranyan
Thumb: 360x480, 38,815 bytes (38K)
Small: 600x823, 57,934 bytes (57K), (html file)
Large: 1800x2400, 1,722,230 bytes (1.6M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2015, All rights reserved
Olympus Stylus-1 camera
f/2.8, ISO 320, 1/80 sec, 16.1mm, auto mode, vivid color, spot metering, image stabilization (mode 4), noise reduction auto, noise filter low
35mm equivalent focal length 76.0mm
Programs used: crop, gimp, raw therapee
Taken by Michael Meissner on April 04, 2015 16:40:59
Last modified on April 12, 2015 at 20:02
Picture #6: Tatevik Seyranyan #2
Thumb: 450x338, 33,961 bytes (34K)
Small: 900x698, 72,861 bytes (72K), (html file)
Large: 3600x2700, 1,722,124 bytes (1.6M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2015, All rights reserved
Olympus Stylus-1 camera
f/2.8, ISO 400, 1/160 sec, 42.5mm, auto mode, vivid color, spot metering, image stabilization (mode 4), noise reduction auto, noise filter low
35mm equivalent focal length 200.0mm
Programs used: crop, raw therapee
Taken by Michael Meissner on April 04, 2015 16:41:03
Last modified on April 12, 2015 at 20:02
Picture #7: Trampoline artists
Thumb: 480x320, 48,695 bytes (48K)
Small: 800x556, 82,655 bytes (81K), (html file)
Large: 2400x1600, 2,204,474 bytes (2.1M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2015, All rights reserved
Olympus Stylus-1 camera
f/2.8, ISO 800, 1/30 sec, 10.8mm, auto mode, vivid color, spot metering, image stabilization (mode 4), noise reduction auto, noise filter low
35mm equivalent focal length 50.0mm
Programs used: crop, gimp, raw therapee
Taken by Michael Meissner on April 04, 2015 16:43:52
Last modified on April 12, 2015 at 20:04
Picture #8: Ringmaster
Thumb: 450x338, 41,351 bytes (41K)
Small: 900x698, 106,293 bytes (104K), (html file)
Large: 3600x2700, 2,598,853 bytes (2.5M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2015, All rights reserved
Olympus Stylus-1 camera
f/2.8, ISO 640, 1/100 sec, 42.5mm, auto mode, vivid color, spot metering, image stabilization (mode 4), noise reduction auto, noise filter low
35mm equivalent focal length 200.0mm
Programs used: crop, raw therapee
Taken by Michael Meissner on April 04, 2015 16:44:56
Last modified on April 12, 2015 at 20:04
Picture #9: Francesco #2
Thumb: 480x360, 44,626 bytes (44K)
Small: 800x623, 83,430 bytes (82K), (html file)
Large: 2400x1800, 2,380,560 bytes (2.3M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2015, All rights reserved
Olympus Stylus-1 camera
f/2.8, ISO 1600, 1/50 sec, 42.5mm, auto mode, vivid color, spot metering, image stabilization (mode 4), noise reduction auto, noise filter low
35mm equivalent focal length 200.0mm
Programs used: crop, gimp, raw therapee
Taken by Michael Meissner on April 04, 2015 16:46:32
Last modified on April 12, 2015 at 20:05
Picture #10: Band stand
Thumb: 480x360, 56,340 bytes (56K)
Small: 800x623, 100,422 bytes (99K), (html file)
Large: 2400x1800, 3,100,806 bytes (3.0M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2015, All rights reserved
Olympus Stylus-1 camera
f/2.8, ISO 800, 1/13 sec, 9.8mm, auto mode, vivid color, spot metering, image stabilization (mode 4), noise reduction auto, noise filter low
35mm equivalent focal length 46.0mm
Programs used: crop, gimp, raw therapee
Taken by Michael Meissner on April 04, 2015 16:47:47
Last modified on April 12, 2015 at 20:06
Picture #11: Francesco #3
Thumb: 400x400, 51,207 bytes (51K)
Small: 800x823, 109,589 bytes (108K), (html file)
Large: 1600x1600, 1,630,701 bytes (1.6M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2015, All rights reserved
Olympus Stylus-1 camera
f/2.8, ISO 640, 1/60 sec, 26.2mm, auto mode, vivid color, spot metering, image stabilization (mode 4), noise reduction auto, noise filter low
35mm equivalent focal length 124.0mm
Programs used: crop, gimp, raw therapee
Taken by Michael Meissner on April 04, 2015 16:48:03
Last modified on April 12, 2015 at 20:07
Picture #12: Contortionist (Odbasayakh)
Thumb: 480x360, 47,164 bytes (47K)
Small: 800x623, 75,851 bytes (75K), (html file)
Large: 2400x1800, 2,323,971 bytes (2.2M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2015, All rights reserved
Olympus Stylus-1 camera
f/2.8, ISO 1000, 1/40 sec, 31.8mm, auto mode, vivid color, spot metering, image stabilization (mode 4), noise reduction auto, noise filter low
35mm equivalent focal length 150.0mm
Programs used: crop, gimp, raw therapee
Taken by Michael Meissner on April 04, 2015 16:53:34
Last modified on April 12, 2015 at 20:09
Picture #13: Contortionist (Odbasayakh) #2
Thumb: 480x360, 46,267 bytes (46K)
Small: 800x623, 77,446 bytes (76K), (html file)
Large: 2400x1800, 2,260,472 bytes (2.2M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2015, All rights reserved
Olympus Stylus-1 camera
f/2.8, ISO 1250, 1/40 sec, 31.8mm, auto mode, vivid color, spot metering, image stabilization (mode 4), noise reduction auto, noise filter low
35mm equivalent focal length 150.0mm
Programs used: crop, gimp, raw therapee
Taken by Michael Meissner on April 04, 2015 16:53:39
Last modified on April 12, 2015 at 20:10
Picture #14: Contortionist (Odbasayakh) #3
Thumb: 480x360, 43,964 bytes (43K)
Small: 800x623, 70,953 bytes (70K), (html file)
Large: 2400x1800, 2,043,738 bytes (1.9M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2015, All rights reserved
Olympus Stylus-1 camera
f/2.8, ISO 800, 1/50 sec, 31.8mm, auto mode, vivid color, spot metering, image stabilization (mode 4), noise reduction auto, noise filter low
35mm equivalent focal length 150.0mm
Programs used: crop, gimp, raw therapee
Taken by Michael Meissner on April 04, 2015 16:53:50
Last modified on April 12, 2015 at 20:11
Picture #15: Contortionist (Odbasayakh) #4
Thumb: 450x338, 31,092 bytes (31K)
Small: 900x698, 73,038 bytes (72K), (html file)
Large: 3600x2700, 1,531,268 bytes (1.5M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2015, All rights reserved
Olympus Stylus-1 camera
f/2.8, ISO 800, 1/100 sec, 64.3mm, auto mode, vivid color, spot metering, image stabilization (mode 4), noise reduction auto, noise filter low
35mm equivalent focal length 300.0mm
Programs used: crop, raw therapee
Taken by Michael Meissner on April 04, 2015 16:54:13
Last modified on April 12, 2015 at 20:11
Picture #16: Contortionist (Odbasayakh) #5
Thumb: 450x338, 34,078 bytes (34K)
Small: 900x698, 82,957 bytes (82K), (html file)
Large: 3600x2700, 1,768,945 bytes (1.7M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2015, All rights reserved
Olympus Stylus-1 camera
f/2.8, ISO 800, 1/60 sec, 46.7mm, auto mode, vivid color, spot metering, image stabilization (mode 4), noise reduction auto, noise filter low
35mm equivalent focal length 220.0mm
Programs used: crop, raw therapee
Taken by Michael Meissner on April 04, 2015 16:54:28
Last modified on April 12, 2015 at 20:11
Picture #17: Contortionist (Odbasayakh & Tatevik Seyranyan)
Thumb: 480x360, 37,625 bytes (37K)
Small: 800x623, 58,755 bytes (58K), (html file)
Large: 2400x1800, 1,286,407 bytes (1.2M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2015, All rights reserved
Olympus Stylus-1 camera
f/2.8, ISO 640, 1/60 sec, 26.2mm, auto mode, vivid color, spot metering, image stabilization (mode 4), noise reduction auto, noise filter low
35mm equivalent focal length 124.0mm
Programs used: crop, gimp, raw therapee
Taken by Michael Meissner on April 04, 2015 16:55:06
Last modified on April 12, 2015 at 20:13
Picture #18: Contortionist (Odbasayakh & Tatevik Seyranyan) #2
Thumb: 480x360, 36,694 bytes (36K)
Small: 800x623, 57,764 bytes (57K), (html file)
Large: 2400x1800, 1,450,555 bytes (1.4M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2015, All rights reserved
Olympus Stylus-1 camera
f/2.8, ISO 400, 1/60 sec, 26.2mm, auto mode, vivid color, spot metering, image stabilization (mode 4), noise reduction auto, noise filter low
35mm equivalent focal length 124.0mm
Programs used: crop, gimp, raw therapee
Taken by Michael Meissner on April 04, 2015 16:55:08
Last modified on April 12, 2015 at 20:14
Picture #19: Contortionist (Odbasayakh & Tatevik Seyranyan) #3
Thumb: 480x360, 35,505 bytes (35K)
Small: 800x623, 56,184 bytes (55K), (html file)
Large: 2400x1800, 1,352,105 bytes (1.3M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2015, All rights reserved
Olympus Stylus-1 camera
f/2.8, ISO 400, 1/60 sec, 26.2mm, auto mode, vivid color, spot metering, image stabilization (mode 4), noise reduction auto, noise filter low
35mm equivalent focal length 124.0mm
Programs used: crop, gimp, raw therapee
Taken by Michael Meissner on April 04, 2015 16:55:10
Last modified on April 12, 2015 at 20:24
Picture #20: Contortionist (Odbasayakh & Tatevik Seyranyan) #4
Thumb: 450x338, 33,902 bytes (34K)
Small: 900x698, 84,469 bytes (83K), (html file)
Large: 3600x2700, 2,178,722 bytes (2.1M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2015, All rights reserved
Olympus Stylus-1 camera
f/2.8, ISO 1600, 1/50 sec, 46.7mm, auto mode, vivid color, spot metering, image stabilization (mode 4), noise reduction auto, noise filter low
35mm equivalent focal length 220.0mm
Programs used: crop, raw therapee
Taken by Michael Meissner on April 04, 2015 16:55:44
Last modified on April 12, 2015 at 20:24
Picture #21: Rabbit
Thumb: 450x338, 35,412 bytes (35K)
Small: 900x698, 83,304 bytes (82K), (html file)
Large: 3600x2700, 2,112,311 bytes (2.0M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2015, All rights reserved
Olympus Stylus-1 camera
f/2.8, ISO 320, 1/250 sec, 64.3mm, auto mode, vivid color, spot metering, image stabilization (mode 4), noise reduction auto, noise filter low
35mm equivalent focal length 300.0mm
Programs used: crop, raw therapee
Taken by Michael Meissner on April 04, 2015 16:57:49
Last modified on April 12, 2015 at 20:24
Picture #22: Ferrets
Thumb: 450x338, 38,691 bytes (38K)
Small: 900x698, 90,926 bytes (89K), (html file)
Large: 3600x2700, 2,125,342 bytes (2.0M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2015, All rights reserved
Olympus Stylus-1 camera
f/2.8, ISO 400, 1/100 sec, 46.7mm, auto mode, vivid color, spot metering, image stabilization (mode 4), noise reduction auto, noise filter low
35mm equivalent focal length 220.0mm
Programs used: crop, raw therapee
Taken by Michael Meissner on April 04, 2015 16:58:10
Last modified on April 12, 2015 at 20:24
Picture #23: animal act (Jenny Vidbel)
Thumb: 480x360, 50,523 bytes (50K)
Small: 800x623, 85,713 bytes (84K), (html file)
Large: 2400x1800, 2,404,846 bytes (2.3M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2015, All rights reserved
Olympus Stylus-1 camera
f/2.8, ISO 400, 1/60 sec, 17.8mm, auto mode, vivid color, spot metering, image stabilization (mode 4), noise reduction auto, noise filter low
35mm equivalent focal length 85.0mm
Programs used: crop, gimp, raw therapee
Taken by Michael Meissner on April 04, 2015 17:01:36
Last modified on April 12, 2015 at 20:26
Picture #24: animal act (Jenny Vidbel) #2
Thumb: 480x360, 49,589 bytes (49K)
Small: 800x623, 86,033 bytes (85K), (html file)
Large: 2400x1800, 2,481,128 bytes (2.4M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2015, All rights reserved
Olympus Stylus-1 camera
f/2.8, ISO 400, 1/80 sec, 17.8mm, auto mode, vivid color, spot metering, image stabilization (mode 4), noise reduction auto, noise filter low
35mm equivalent focal length 85.0mm
Programs used: crop, gimp, raw therapee
Taken by Michael Meissner on April 04, 2015 17:01:39
Last modified on April 12, 2015 at 20:27
Picture #25: animal act (Jenny Vidbel) #3
Thumb: 450x338, 38,637 bytes (38K)
Small: 900x698, 95,164 bytes (93K), (html file)
Large: 3600x2700, 2,331,966 bytes (2.2M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2015, All rights reserved
Olympus Stylus-1 camera
f/2.8, ISO 800, 1/60 sec, 17.8mm, auto mode, vivid color, spot metering, image stabilization (mode 4), noise reduction auto, noise filter low
35mm equivalent focal length 85.0mm
Programs used: crop, raw therapee
Taken by Michael Meissner on April 04, 2015 17:02:09
Last modified on April 12, 2015 at 20:27
Picture #26: animal act (Jenny Vidbel) #4
Thumb: 450x338, 32,010 bytes (32K)
Small: 900x698, 69,496 bytes (68K), (html file)
Large: 3600x2700, 1,958,899 bytes (1.9M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2015, All rights reserved
Olympus Stylus-1 camera
f/2.8, ISO 800, 1/100 sec, 64.3mm, auto mode, vivid color, spot metering, image stabilization (mode 4), noise reduction auto, noise filter low
35mm equivalent focal length 300.0mm
Programs used: crop, raw therapee
Taken by Michael Meissner on April 04, 2015 17:03:04
Last modified on April 12, 2015 at 20:27
Picture #27: animal act (Jenny Vidbel) #5
Thumb: 480x480, 56,477 bytes (56K)
Small: 800x823, 118,102 bytes (116K), (html file)
Large: 2400x2400, 4,081,208 bytes (3.9M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2015, All rights reserved
Olympus Stylus-1 camera
f/2.8, ISO 1600, 1/50 sec, 42.5mm, auto mode, vivid color, spot metering, image stabilization (mode 4), noise reduction auto, noise filter low
35mm equivalent focal length 200.0mm
Programs used: crop, gimp, raw therapee
Taken by Michael Meissner on April 04, 2015 17:03:43
Last modified on April 12, 2015 at 20:28
Picture #28: Fabio Anastasini & Giuliano Anastasini
Thumb: 450x338, 39,564 bytes (39K)
Small: 900x698, 104,887 bytes (103K), (html file)
Large: 3600x2700, 2,777,808 bytes (2.6M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2015, All rights reserved
Olympus Stylus-1 camera
f/2.8, ISO 1600, 1/13 sec, 14.5mm, auto mode, vivid color, spot metering, image stabilization (mode 4), noise reduction auto, noise filter low
35mm equivalent focal length 70.0mm
Programs used: crop, raw therapee
Taken by Michael Meissner on April 04, 2015 17:05:46
Last modified on April 12, 2015 at 20:31
Picture #29: Fabio Anastasini & Giuliano Anastasini #2
Thumb: 450x338, 30,992 bytes (31K)
Small: 900x698, 66,677 bytes (66K), (html file)
Large: 3600x2700, 1,471,000 bytes (1.4M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2015, All rights reserved
Olympus Stylus-1 camera
f/2.8, ISO 800, 1/50 sec, 14.5mm, auto mode, vivid color, spot metering, image stabilization (mode 4), noise reduction auto, noise filter low
35mm equivalent focal length 70.0mm
Programs used: crop, raw therapee
Taken by Michael Meissner on April 04, 2015 17:07:08
Last modified on April 12, 2015 at 20:31
Picture #30: Fabio Anastasini & Giuliano Anastasini #3
Thumb: 450x338, 40,463 bytes (40K)
Small: 900x698, 110,166 bytes (108K), (html file)
Large: 3600x2700, 2,910,669 bytes (2.8M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2015, All rights reserved
Olympus Stylus-1 camera
f/2.8, ISO 1600, 1/15 sec, 14.5mm, auto mode, vivid color, spot metering, image stabilization (mode 4), noise reduction auto, noise filter low
35mm equivalent focal length 70.0mm
Programs used: crop, raw therapee
Taken by Michael Meissner on April 04, 2015 17:07:13
Last modified on April 12, 2015 at 20:31
Picture #31: Fabio Anastasini & Giuliano Anastasini #4
Thumb: 450x338, 40,873 bytes (40K)
Small: 900x698, 102,061 bytes (100K), (html file)
Large: 3600x2700, 2,205,880 bytes (2.1M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2015, All rights reserved
Olympus Stylus-1 camera
f/2.8, ISO 800, 1/20 sec, 12.0mm, auto mode, vivid color, spot metering, image stabilization (mode 4), noise reduction auto, noise filter low
35mm equivalent focal length 57.0mm
Programs used: crop, raw therapee
Taken by Michael Meissner on April 04, 2015 17:09:04
Last modified on April 12, 2015 at 20:31
Picture #32: Lighted toy
Thumb: 450x338, 31,621 bytes (31K)
Small: 900x698, 68,624 bytes (68K), (html file)
Large: 3600x2700, 2,052,549 bytes (2.0M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2015, All rights reserved
Olympus Stylus-1 camera
f/2.8, ISO 1600, 1/15 sec, 51.4mm, auto mode, vivid color, spot metering, image stabilization (mode 4), noise reduction auto, noise filter low
35mm equivalent focal length 242.0mm
Programs used: crop, raw therapee
Taken by Michael Meissner on April 04, 2015 17:09:55
Last modified on April 12, 2015 at 20:32
Picture #33: World on his finger
Thumb: 450x338, 27,905 bytes (28K)
Small: 900x698, 57,090 bytes (56K), (html file)
Large: 3600x2700, 1,357,092 bytes (1.3M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2015, All rights reserved
Olympus Stylus-1 camera
f/2.8, ISO 400, 1/60 sec, 16.1mm, auto mode, vivid color, spot metering, image stabilization (mode 4), noise reduction auto, noise filter low
35mm equivalent focal length 76.0mm
Programs used: crop, raw therapee
Taken by Michael Meissner on April 04, 2015 17:13:21
Last modified on April 12, 2015 at 20:32
Picture #34: Pop!
Thumb: 450x338, 32,896 bytes (33K)
Small: 900x698, 83,687 bytes (82K), (html file)
Large: 3600x2700, 1,637,831 bytes (1.6M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2015, All rights reserved
Olympus Stylus-1 camera
f/2.8, ISO 250, 1/80 sec, 16.1mm, auto mode, vivid color, spot metering, image stabilization (mode 4), noise reduction auto, noise filter low
35mm equivalent focal length 76.0mm
Programs used: crop, raw therapee
Taken by Michael Meissner on April 04, 2015 17:13:23
Last modified on April 12, 2015 at 20:32
Picture #35: Irene and Giovanni - aerial artists
Thumb: 480x360, 31,144 bytes (31K)
Small: 800x623, 50,232 bytes (50K), (html file)
Large: 2400x1800, 1,399,374 bytes (1.3M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2015, All rights reserved
Olympus Stylus-1 camera
f/2.8, ISO 800, 1/40 sec, 21.2mm, auto mode, vivid color, spot metering, image stabilization (mode 4), noise reduction auto, noise filter low
35mm equivalent focal length 100.0mm
Programs used: crop, gimp, raw therapee
Taken by Michael Meissner on April 04, 2015 17:16:28
Last modified on April 22, 2015 at 23:49
Picture #36: Irene and Giovanni - aerial artists #2
Thumb: 360x480, 42,266 bytes (42K)
Small: 600x846, 69,481 bytes (68K), (html file)
Large: 1800x2400, 1,672,833 bytes (1.6M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2015, All rights reserved
Olympus Stylus-1 camera
f/2.8, ISO 800, 1/50 sec, 10.8mm, auto mode, vivid color, spot metering, image stabilization (mode 4), noise reduction auto, noise filter low
35mm equivalent focal length 50.0mm
Programs used: crop, gimp, raw therapee
Taken by Michael Meissner on April 04, 2015 17:16:45
Last modified on April 22, 2015 at 23:50
Picture #37: Irene and Giovanni - aerial artists #3
Thumb: 480x360, 43,101 bytes (43K)
Small: 800x623, 67,796 bytes (67K), (html file)
Large: 2400x1800, 2,104,742 bytes (2.0M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2015, All rights reserved
Olympus Stylus-1 camera
f/2.8, ISO 800, 1/20 sec, 6.0mm, auto mode, vivid color, spot metering, image stabilization (mode 4), noise reduction auto, noise filter low
35mm equivalent focal length 28.0mm
Programs used: crop, gimp, raw therapee
Taken by Michael Meissner on April 04, 2015 17:16:59
Last modified on April 22, 2015 at 23:50
Picture #38: Irene and Giovanni - aerial artists #4
Thumb: 300x400, 36,288 bytes (36K)
Small: 600x846, 68,228 bytes (67K), (html file)
Large: 1200x1600, 1,197,654 bytes (1.1M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2015, All rights reserved
Olympus Stylus-1 camera
f/2.8, ISO 800, 1/20 sec, 9.8mm, auto mode, vivid color, spot metering, image stabilization (mode 4), noise reduction auto, noise filter low
35mm equivalent focal length 46.0mm
Programs used: crop, gimp, raw therapee
Taken by Michael Meissner on April 04, 2015 17:17:54
Last modified on April 22, 2015 at 23:51
Picture #39: Irene and Giovanni - aerial artists #5
Thumb: 450x338, 30,117 bytes (30K)
Small: 900x698, 65,694 bytes (65K), (html file)
Large: 3600x2700, 1,813,380 bytes (1.7M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2015, All rights reserved
Olympus Stylus-1 camera
f/2.8, ISO 800, 1/50 sec, 19.6mm, auto mode, vivid color, spot metering, image stabilization (mode 4), noise reduction auto, noise filter low
35mm equivalent focal length 92.0mm
Programs used: crop, raw therapee
Taken by Michael Meissner on April 04, 2015 17:18:47
Last modified on April 22, 2015 at 23:52
Picture #40: Camels and horses
Thumb: 450x338, 44,520 bytes (44K)
Small: 900x698, 117,941 bytes (116K), (html file)
Large: 3600x2700, 2,453,601 bytes (2.3M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2015, All rights reserved
Olympus Stylus-1 camera
f/2.8, ISO 800, 1/25 sec, 9.0mm, auto mode, vivid color, spot metering, image stabilization (mode 4), noise reduction auto, noise filter low
35mm equivalent focal length 42.0mm
Programs used: crop, raw therapee
Taken by Michael Meissner on April 04, 2015 17:45:14
Last modified on April 22, 2015 at 23:52
Picture #41: Horses
Thumb: 450x338, 39,103 bytes (39K)
Small: 900x698, 95,924 bytes (94K), (html file)
Large: 3600x2700, 2,395,735 bytes (2.3M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2015, All rights reserved
Olympus Stylus-1 camera
f/2.8, ISO 800, 1/60 sec, 24.0mm, auto mode, vivid color, spot metering, image stabilization (mode 4), noise reduction auto, noise filter low
35mm equivalent focal length 112.0mm
Programs used: crop, raw therapee
Taken by Michael Meissner on April 04, 2015 17:45:28
Last modified on April 22, 2015 at 23:53
Picture #42: Camels and horses #2
Thumb: 480x360, 46,575 bytes (46K)
Small: 800x623, 77,069 bytes (76K), (html file)
Large: 2400x1800, 2,164,397 bytes (2.1M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2015, All rights reserved
Olympus Stylus-1 camera
f/2.8, ISO 800, 1/40 sec, 8.1mm, auto mode, vivid color, spot metering, image stabilization (mode 4), noise reduction auto, noise filter low
35mm equivalent focal length 38.0mm
Programs used: crop, gimp, raw therapee
Taken by Michael Meissner on April 04, 2015 17:49:06
Last modified on April 22, 2015 at 23:54
Picture #43: Ringmaster #2
Thumb: 450x338, 30,543 bytes (30K)
Small: 900x698, 68,394 bytes (67K), (html file)
Large: 3600x2700, 1,611,605 bytes (1.5M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2015, All rights reserved
Olympus Stylus-1 camera
f/2.8, ISO 1000, 1/50 sec, 46.7mm, auto mode, vivid color, spot metering, image stabilization (mode 4), noise reduction auto, noise filter low
35mm equivalent focal length 220.0mm
Programs used: crop, raw therapee
Taken by Michael Meissner on April 04, 2015 17:51:10
Last modified on April 22, 2015 at 23:55
Picture #44: Pan juggling
Thumb: 450x338, 32,764 bytes (32K)
Small: 900x698, 75,912 bytes (75K), (html file)
Large: 3600x2700, 1,906,599 bytes (1.8M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2015, All rights reserved
Olympus Stylus-1 camera
f/2.8, ISO 800, 1/80 sec, 64.3mm, auto mode, vivid color, spot metering, image stabilization (mode 4), noise reduction auto, noise filter low
35mm equivalent focal length 300.0mm
Programs used: crop, raw therapee
Taken by Michael Meissner on April 04, 2015 17:55:31
Last modified on April 22, 2015 at 23:55
Picture #45: Pan juggling #2
Thumb: 450x338, 30,648 bytes (30K)
Small: 900x698, 67,713 bytes (67K), (html file)
Large: 3600x2700, 1,631,004 bytes (1.6M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2015, All rights reserved
Olympus Stylus-1 camera
f/2.8, ISO 800, 1/125 sec, 64.3mm, auto mode, vivid color, spot metering, image stabilization (mode 4), noise reduction auto, noise filter low
35mm equivalent focal length 300.0mm
Programs used: crop, raw therapee
Taken by Michael Meissner on April 04, 2015 17:55:37
Last modified on April 22, 2015 at 23:55
Picture #46: Pan juggling #3
Thumb: 450x338, 34,032 bytes (34K)
Small: 900x698, 78,920 bytes (78K), (html file)
Large: 3600x2700, 1,844,043 bytes (1.8M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2015, All rights reserved
Olympus Stylus-1 camera
f/2.8, ISO 800, 1/80 sec, 64.3mm, auto mode, vivid color, spot metering, image stabilization (mode 4), noise reduction auto, noise filter low
35mm equivalent focal length 300.0mm
Programs used: crop, raw therapee
Taken by Michael Meissner on April 04, 2015 17:56:03
Last modified on April 22, 2015 at 23:56
Picture #47: Juggling racquets
Thumb: 450x338, 32,374 bytes (32K)
Small: 900x698, 74,159 bytes (73K), (html file)
Large: 3600x2700, 2,220,083 bytes (2.1M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2015, All rights reserved
Olympus Stylus-1 camera
f/2.8, ISO 1600, 1/30 sec, 64.3mm, auto mode, vivid color, spot metering, image stabilization (mode 4), noise reduction auto, noise filter low
35mm equivalent focal length 300.0mm
Programs used: crop, raw therapee
Taken by Michael Meissner on April 04, 2015 17:58:12
Last modified on April 22, 2015 at 23:56
Picture #48: Rolla Bolla
Thumb: 400x400, 41,545 bytes (41K)
Small: 800x823, 78,279 bytes (77K), (html file)
Large: 1600x1600, 1,373,118 bytes (1.3M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2015, All rights reserved
Olympus Stylus-1 camera
f/2.8, ISO 800, 1/30 sec, 16.1mm, auto mode, vivid color, spot metering, image stabilization (mode 4), noise reduction auto, noise filter low
35mm equivalent focal length 76.0mm
Programs used: crop, gimp, raw therapee
Taken by Michael Meissner on April 04, 2015 17:59:03
Last modified on April 22, 2015 at 23:57
Picture #49: Rolla Bolla #2
Thumb: 450x338, 29,031 bytes (29K)
Small: 900x698, 61,125 bytes (60K), (html file)
Large: 3600x2700, 1,353,463 bytes (1.3M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2015, All rights reserved
Olympus Stylus-1 camera
f/2.8, ISO 800, 1/80 sec, 35.0mm, auto mode, vivid color, spot metering, image stabilization (mode 4), noise reduction auto, noise filter low
35mm equivalent focal length 165.0mm
Programs used: crop, raw therapee
Taken by Michael Meissner on April 04, 2015 17:59:19
Last modified on April 22, 2015 at 23:58
Picture #50: Rolla Bolla #3
Thumb: 450x338, 28,776 bytes (29K)
Small: 900x698, 59,773 bytes (59K), (html file)
Large: 3600x2700, 1,337,135 bytes (1.3M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2015, All rights reserved
Olympus Stylus-1 camera
f/2.8, ISO 800, 1/80 sec, 35.0mm, auto mode, vivid color, spot metering, image stabilization (mode 4), noise reduction auto, noise filter low
35mm equivalent focal length 165.0mm
Programs used: crop, raw therapee
Taken by Michael Meissner on April 04, 2015 17:59:19
Last modified on April 22, 2015 at 23:59
Picture #51: Rolla Bolla #4
Thumb: 360x480, 45,054 bytes (44K)
Small: 600x823, 70,455 bytes (69K), (html file)
Large: 1800x2400, 2,149,012 bytes (2.0M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2015, All rights reserved
Olympus Stylus-1 camera
f/2.8, ISO 800, 1/25 sec, 19.6mm, auto mode, vivid color, spot metering, image stabilization (mode 4), noise reduction auto, noise filter low
35mm equivalent focal length 92.0mm
Programs used: crop, gimp, raw therapee
Taken by Michael Meissner on April 04, 2015 18:00:06
Last modified on April 22, 2015 at 23:59
Picture #52: Rolla Bolla #5
Thumb: 300x400, 33,830 bytes (34K)
Small: 600x823, 60,081 bytes (59K), (html file)
Large: 1200x1600, 868,520 bytes (849K), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2015, All rights reserved
Olympus Stylus-1 camera
f/2.8, ISO 800, 1/50 sec, 19.6mm, auto mode, vivid color, spot metering, image stabilization (mode 4), noise reduction auto, noise filter low
35mm equivalent focal length 92.0mm
Programs used: crop, gimp, raw therapee
Taken by Michael Meissner on April 04, 2015 18:00:10
Last modified on April 23, 2015 at 00:00
Picture #53: Rolla Bolla #6
Thumb: 338x450, 32,705 bytes (32K)
Small: 675x923, 70,998 bytes (70K), (html file)
Large: 2700x3600, 1,648,739 bytes (1.6M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2015, All rights reserved
Olympus Stylus-1 camera
f/2.8, ISO 800, 1/50 sec, 21.2mm, auto mode, vivid color, spot metering, image stabilization (mode 4), noise reduction auto, noise filter low
35mm equivalent focal length 100.0mm
Taken by Michael Meissner on April 04, 2015 18:03:12
Last modified on April 23, 2015 at 00:02
Picture #54: Rolla Bolla #7
Thumb: 338x450, 32,337 bytes (32K)
Small: 675x923, 69,883 bytes (69K), (html file)
Large: 2700x3600, 1,568,526 bytes (1.5M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2015, All rights reserved
Olympus Stylus-1 camera
f/2.8, ISO 800, 1/60 sec, 21.2mm, auto mode, vivid color, spot metering, image stabilization (mode 4), noise reduction auto, noise filter low
35mm equivalent focal length 100.0mm
Programs used: crop, raw therapee, rotate left
Taken by Michael Meissner on April 04, 2015 18:03:14
Last modified on April 23, 2015 at 00:02
Picture #55: Smirnov duo - quick change
Thumb: 360x480, 32,746 bytes (32K)
Small: 600x823, 50,844 bytes (50K), (html file)
Large: 1800x2400, 1,243,871 bytes (1.2M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2015, All rights reserved
Olympus Stylus-1 camera
f/2.8, ISO 250, 1/100 sec, 21.2mm, auto mode, vivid color, spot metering, image stabilization (mode 4), noise reduction auto, noise filter low
35mm equivalent focal length 100.0mm
Programs used: crop, gimp, raw therapee
Taken by Michael Meissner on April 04, 2015 18:08:20
Last modified on April 23, 2015 at 00:04
Picture #56: Anastasini - diabolo
Thumb: 450x338, 38,990 bytes (39K)
Small: 900x698, 92,898 bytes (91K), (html file)
Large: 3600x2700, 2,226,186 bytes (2.1M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2015, All rights reserved
Olympus Stylus-1 camera
f/2.8, ISO 800, 1/50 sec, 42.5mm, auto mode, vivid color, spot metering, image stabilization (mode 4), noise reduction auto, noise filter low
35mm equivalent focal length 200.0mm
Programs used: crop, raw therapee
Taken by Michael Meissner on April 04, 2015 18:10:46
Last modified on April 23, 2015 at 00:05
Picture #57: Anastasini - diabolo #2
Thumb: 300x400, 37,151 bytes (37K)
Small: 600x823, 70,629 bytes (69K), (html file)
Large: 1200x1600, 1,000,239 bytes (977K), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2015, All rights reserved
Olympus Stylus-1 camera
f/2.8, ISO 800, 1/50 sec, 24.0mm, auto mode, vivid color, spot metering, image stabilization (mode 4), noise reduction auto, noise filter low
35mm equivalent focal length 112.0mm
Programs used: crop, gimp, raw therapee
Taken by Michael Meissner on April 04, 2015 18:11:16
Last modified on April 23, 2015 at 00:06
Picture #58: Anastasini - diabolo #3
Thumb: 480x360, 39,585 bytes (39K)
Small: 800x623, 63,070 bytes (62K), (html file)
Large: 2400x1800, 1,765,687 bytes (1.7M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2015, All rights reserved
Olympus Stylus-1 camera
f/2.8, ISO 640, 1/60 sec, 24.0mm, auto mode, vivid color, spot metering, image stabilization (mode 4), noise reduction auto, noise filter low
35mm equivalent focal length 112.0mm
Programs used: crop, gimp, raw therapee
Taken by Michael Meissner on April 04, 2015 18:11:18
Last modified on April 23, 2015 at 00:07
Picture #59: Anastasini - diabolo #4
Thumb: 450x338, 31,335 bytes (31K)
Small: 900x698, 67,540 bytes (66K), (html file)
Large: 3600x2700, 1,636,542 bytes (1.6M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2015, All rights reserved
Olympus Stylus-1 camera
f/2.8, ISO 800, 1/50 sec, 24.0mm, auto mode, vivid color, spot metering, image stabilization (mode 4), noise filter low
35mm equivalent focal length 112.0mm
Programs used: crop, raw therapee
Taken by Michael Meissner on April 04, 2015 18:14:36
Last modified on April 23, 2015 at 00:07
Picture #60: Anastasini - diabolo #5
Thumb: 450x338, 31,498 bytes (31K)
Small: 900x698, 67,657 bytes (67K), (html file)
Large: 3600x2700, 1,584,981 bytes (1.5M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2015, All rights reserved
Olympus Stylus-1 camera
f/2.8, ISO 800, 1/50 sec, 24.0mm, auto mode, vivid color, spot metering, image stabilization (mode 4), noise filter low
35mm equivalent focal length 112.0mm
Programs used: crop, raw therapee
Taken by Michael Meissner on April 04, 2015 18:14:36
Last modified on April 23, 2015 at 00:10
Picture #61: Music jacket
Thumb: 450x338, 26,989 bytes (27K)
Small: 900x698, 55,858 bytes (55K), (html file)
Large: 3600x2700, 1,116,214 bytes (1.1M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2015, All rights reserved
Olympus Stylus-1 camera
f/2.8, ISO 400, 1/100 sec, 24.0mm, auto mode, vivid color, spot metering, image stabilization (mode 4), noise filter low
35mm equivalent focal length 112.0mm
Programs used: crop, raw therapee
Taken by Michael Meissner on April 04, 2015 18:16:01
Last modified on April 23, 2015 at 00:11
Picture #62: Music jacket #2
Thumb: 450x338, 27,831 bytes (28K)
Small: 900x698, 58,185 bytes (57K), (html file)
Large: 3600x2700, 1,129,430 bytes (1.1M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2015, All rights reserved
Olympus Stylus-1 camera
f/2.8, ISO 320, 1/80 sec, 16.1mm, auto mode, vivid color, spot metering, image stabilization (mode 4), noise filter low
35mm equivalent focal length 76.0mm
Programs used: crop, raw therapee
Taken by Michael Meissner on April 04, 2015 18:16:31
Last modified on April 23, 2015 at 00:11
Picture #63: Aniskin troupe - trapeze
Thumb: 450x338, 40,471 bytes (40K)
Small: 900x698, 108,013 bytes (106K), (html file)
Large: 3600x2700, 2,710,549 bytes (2.6M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2015, All rights reserved
Olympus Stylus-1 camera
f/2.8, ISO 800, 1/20 sec, 16.1mm, auto mode, vivid color, spot metering, image stabilization (mode 4), noise filter low
35mm equivalent focal length 76.0mm
Programs used: crop, raw therapee
Taken by Michael Meissner on April 04, 2015 18:24:22
Last modified on April 23, 2015 at 00:12
Picture #64: Aniskin troupe - trapeze #2
Thumb: 450x338, 45,858 bytes (45K)
Small: 900x698, 123,315 bytes (121K), (html file)
Large: 3600x2700, 2,332,421 bytes (2.2M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2015, All rights reserved
Olympus Stylus-1 camera
f/2.8, ISO 500, 1/30 sec, 6.0mm, auto mode, vivid color, spot metering, image stabilization (mode 4), noise filter low
35mm equivalent focal length 28.0mm
Programs used: crop, raw therapee
Taken by Michael Meissner on April 04, 2015 18:28:50
Last modified on April 23, 2015 at 00:12

Pictures of Boston, Massachusetts (1 picture)

Picture #1: Boston skyline from Government Center
Thumb: 338x450, 43,654 bytes (43K)
Small: 675x923, 100,941 bytes (99K), (html file)
Large: 2700x3600, 3,761,542 bytes (3.6M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2015, All rights reserved
Olympus Stylus-1 camera
f/4.0, ISO 100, 1/800 sec, 14.5mm, auto mode, vivid color, matrix metering, image stabilization (mode 4), noise reduction auto, noise filter low
35mm equivalent focal length 70.0mm
Programs used: crop, rawtherapee, rotate
Taken by Michael Meissner on April 04, 2015 15:47:39
Last modified on April 12, 2015 at 19:52

Pet pictures (6 pictures)

Picture #1: Is he taking my picture once again?
Thumb: 450x338, 36,427 bytes (36K)
Small: 900x698, 110,435 bytes (108K), (html file)
Large: 3600x2700, 3,235,876 bytes (3.1M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2015, All rights reserved
Olympus Stylus-1 camera
f/2.8, ISO 400, flash, 1/100 sec, 26.2mm, auto mode, vivid color, spot metering, image stabilization (mode 4), noise filter low
35mm equivalent focal length 124.0mm
Programs used: crop, raw therapee
Taken by Michael Meissner on April 12, 2015 16:02:45
Last modified on April 23, 2015 at 00:13
This picture is one of my favorites.
Picture #2: Sleep
Thumb: 450x338, 31,777 bytes (32K)
Small: 900x698, 104,308 bytes (102K), (html file)
Large: 3600x2700, 3,340,530 bytes (3.2M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2015, All rights reserved
Olympus Stylus-1 camera
f/2.8, ISO 400, flash, 1/100 sec, 42.5mm, auto mode, vivid color, spot metering, image stabilization (mode 4), noise filter low
35mm equivalent focal length 200.0mm
Programs used: crop, raw therapee
Taken by Michael Meissner on April 12, 2015 16:04:21
Last modified on April 23, 2015 at 00:13
Picture #3: Sleep #2
Thumb: 450x338, 34,502 bytes (34K)
Small: 900x698, 104,358 bytes (102K), (html file)
Large: 3600x2700, 3,293,639 bytes (3.1M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2015, All rights reserved
Olympus Stylus-1 camera
f/2.8, ISO 400, flash, 1/100 sec, 28.8mm, auto mode, vivid color, spot metering, image stabilization (mode 4), noise filter low
35mm equivalent focal length 135.0mm
Programs used: crop, raw therapee
Taken by Michael Meissner on April 12, 2015 16:14:25
Last modified on April 23, 2015 at 00:13
Picture #4: What big teeth you have
Thumb: 450x338, 34,005 bytes (34K)
Small: 900x698, 102,682 bytes (101K), (html file)
Large: 3600x2700, 3,218,124 bytes (3.1M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2015, All rights reserved
Olympus Stylus-1 camera
f/2.8, ISO 400, flash, 1/100 sec, 28.8mm, auto mode, vivid color, spot metering, image stabilization (mode 4), noise filter low
35mm equivalent focal length 135.0mm
Programs used: crop, raw therapee
Taken by Michael Meissner on April 12, 2015 16:37:29
Last modified on April 23, 2015 at 00:13
This picture is one of my favorites.
Picture #5: Aerosmith
Thumb: 450x338, 34,974 bytes (35K)
Small: 900x698, 100,941 bytes (99K), (html file)
Large: 3600x2700, 3,184,537 bytes (3.0M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2015, All rights reserved
Olympus Stylus-1 camera
f/2.8, ISO 800, 1/80 sec, 31.8mm, auto mode, vivid color, spot metering, image stabilization (mode 4), noise filter low
35mm equivalent focal length 150.0mm
Programs used: crop, raw therapee
Taken by Michael Meissner on April 12, 2015 16:41:19
Last modified on April 23, 2015 at 00:14
Picture #6: No more pictures
Thumb: 450x338, 36,579 bytes (36K)
Small: 900x698, 102,312 bytes (100K), (html file)
Large: 3600x2700, 3,081,819 bytes (2.9M), (html file)
Copyright, Michael Meissner 2015, All rights reserved
Olympus Stylus-1 camera
f/2.8, ISO 400, flash, 1/80 sec, 21.2mm, auto mode, vivid color, spot metering, image stabilization (mode 4), noise filter low
35mm equivalent focal length 100.0mm
Programs used: crop, raw therapee
Taken by Michael Meissner on April 12, 2015 16:43:04
Last modified on April 23, 2015 at 00:14
This picture is one of my favorites.

Picture sublinks

Michael Meissner,