Meissner Renaissance Faire/SF convention digital photo album
There are 19,955 pictures in 919 albums.
The copyright owner on these pictures is either Michael, Elizabeth, or Gwendolyn Meissner,
Please contact
if you have any questions about these pictures.
Michael Meissner's home page is at,
his Renaissance Faire/SF convention links are at,
and his digital camera links are at
Year sublinks
- Pictures from 2025 (1 album, 102 pictures)
- Pictures from 2024 (6 albums, 573 pictures)
- Pictures from 2023 (9 albums, 773 pictures)
- Pictures from 2022 (9 albums, 783 pictures)
- Pictures from 2021 (2 albums, 56 pictures)
- Pictures from 2020 (3 albums, 248 pictures)
- Pictures from 2019 (12 albums, 1,050 pictures)
- Pictures from 2018 (16 albums, 1,597 pictures)
- Pictures from 2017 (12 albums, 1,310 pictures)
- Pictures from 2016 (9 albums, 695 pictures)
- Pictures from 2015 (10 albums, 997 pictures)
- Pictures from 2014 (9 albums, 922 pictures)
- Pictures from 2013 (15 albums, 1,236 pictures)
- Pictures from 2012 (12 albums, 1,441 pictures)
- Pictures from 2011 (15 albums, 1,619 pictures)
- Pictures from 2010 (6 albums, 615 pictures)
- Pictures from 2009 (6 albums, 903 pictures)
- Pictures from 2008 (5 albums, 669 pictures)
- Pictures from 2007 (6 albums, 802 pictures)
- Pictures from 2006 (4 albums, 631 pictures)
- Pictures from 2005 (4 albums, 484 pictures)
- Pictures from 2004 (3 albums, 701 pictures)
- Pictures from 2003 (4 albums, 1,075 pictures)
- Pictures from 2002 (4 albums, 673 pictures)
Jewelry City Steampunk festival, January 25th, 2025
Statistics for 2025 are at stats-ren-2025.html.
Pictures at the Arisia science fiction convention, January 12-15, 2024
Pictures of our costumes and props in 2024
Pictures of the Maine Renaissance Faire, 2024
Steampunk Tea Party, June 29th, 2024
Watch City Steampunk pictures, May 11th, 2024
Dapper Days at Walt Disney EPCOT, April 20th, 2024
Statistics for 2024 are at stats-ren-2024.html.
Circus Smirkus, July 29, 2023
Maine Renaissance Faire, July 30th, 2023
Fan Expo Boston, August 5-6th, 2023
New Hampshire Renaissance Faire, May 14th, 2023
Pictures from the Florida Renaissance Faire, February 11-12, 2023
Pictures of my family in costume and/or our props taken in 2023
Pictures from the New York Renaissance Faire, September 2-3rd, 2023
April 2023 Boston steampunk meetup
Pictures from the Arisia Science Fiction Convention, January 13-16, 2023
Statistics for 2023 are at stats-ren-2023.html.
Pictures at the Pennsylvania renaissance faire, October 23rd, 2022
Pictures from Circus Smirkus, July 30th, 2022
Pictures of my family in costume and/or our props taken in 2022
Pictures from the 2022 Connecticut renaissance faire, September 3rd, 2022
Pictures taken at the Maine Renaissance Faire, July 31, 2022.
Pictures from the Cape Cod Pirate Festival, June 4th, 2022
Pictures at the New Hampshire Renaissance Faire, May 21, 2022
Pictures from the 2022 Watch City Steampunk Festival
Pictures from the 2022 Georgia Renaissance Festival, April 23-24th
Statistics for 2022 are at stats-ren-2022.html.
Pictures from the 2021 Compass Rose Steampunk Festival
Pictures at the Connecticut Renaissance Faire, September 11th, 2021
Statistics for 2021 are at stats-ren-2021.html.
Splendid Teapot Racing at the 2020 Arisia Science Fiction Convention
Pictures taken at the 2020 Arisia Science Fiction Convention
Pictures of me in costume and/or my props taken in 2020
Statistics for 2020 are at stats-ren-2020.html.
Pictures of the 2019 King Serpent Variety Troupe's New Years Eve show
Pictures from the 2019 Jewelry City Steampunk festival
Pictures taken at Machen Bachen, October 5th, 2019
Pictures taken at the Maine Renaissance Faire, July 27th, 2019
Pictures from the Southern Maine Steampunk Fair on August 10th, 2019
Pictures taken at the 2019 Charles River Museum of Industry and Innovation Dickens Fair
Pictures of the Old Howard Troupe, June 1st, 2019 taken at their performance in Randolph, Massachusetts
Pictures from the Watch City Steampunk Festival, May 11th, 2019
Pictures of me in costume and my props taken in 2019
Pictures of the Old Howard Troupe, March 2nd, 2019
Pictures from the 2019 Arisia Science Fiction convention
Pictures of the 2019 Arisia Splendid Teapot Race on January 21st, 2019.
Statistics for 2019 are at stats-ren-2019.html.
Pictures from the 2018 King Serpent New Year's Eve show
Jewelry City Steampunk Festival, October 27th, 2018
Connecticut Renaissance Faire, September 30th, 2018
New York Renaissance Faire, September 1-2nd, 2018
King Serpent Variety Troupe, September 20th, 2018
2018 Bristol Renaissance Faire pictures, August 12th, 2018
Pictures taken at the Abbadia Mare renaissance festival, July 21-22nd, 2018.
Pictures of how to externally power cameras done in 2018
Pictures from the 2018 Compass Rose Steampunk event, September 29th, 2018
Pictures of me in costume and my props taken in 2018
Pictures taken at the 2018 Machen Bachen
Pictures from the 2018 Watch City Steampunk Festival in Waltham, Massachusetts
Pictures of the Florida Renaissance Festival, March 3-4th, 2018.
Pictures taken at the Tower Hill Botanic Garden Stempunk event
Pictures taken at the 2018 Arisia science fiction convention
Splendid tea pot racing at Arisia, January 15th, 2018
Statistics for 2018 are at stats-ren-2018.html.
Pictures from the 2017 Jewelry City Steampunk festival
Pictures of costumes and props in 2017.
Pictures from the 2017 Machen-Bachen by the Citizens of Antiford
Pictures taken at the 2017 Silver Kingdom Renaissance Faire, August 19-20th, 2017
2017 Abbadia Mare renaissance faire pictures
2017 pictures from the Springtime Wizard Marketplace on May 28th, 2017
2017 pictures of the New Hampshire Renaissance Faire, May 21st, 2017
2017 pictures of the Old Howard Troupe on May 13th, 2017
Pictures from the 2017 Watch City Social held on May 12th, 2017
2017 Arisia pictures, January 13-16th, 2017
Pictures from the 2017 Watch City Steampunk Festival on May 13th, 2017
Pictures from the 2017 Watch City Fire Show
Statistics for 2017 are at stats-ren-2017.html.
Pictures taken at the 2016 Silver Kingdom Renaissance Faire, August 20-21st, 2017
Pictures taken at the 2016 Abbadia Mare Renaissance Festival.
Pictures from the 2016 Charles River Museum of Industry Dickens Fair
Pictures taken at the 2016 Midsummer Fantasy Renaissance Faire
Pictures from the 2016 Red Fork craft day
Pictures taken at the 2016 Lowell Kinetic Sculpture Race
Pictures taken at the 2016 Watch City Steampunk Festival in Waltham, Massachusetts
Pictures of costume and prop builds done in 2016
Pictures from the 2016 Arisia science fiction convention, January 15-18, 2016.
Statistics for 2016 are at stats-ren-2016.html.
Pictures taken at the 2015 Silver Kingdom Renaissance Faire
Pictures at the 2015 Abbadia Mare Renaissance Festival.
Pictures taken at the New York Renaissance Faire, August 29-30, 2015.
Pictures of the 2015 Connecticut Renaissance Faire
Pictures of stuffed animals at Walt Disney World in December, 2015.
Pictures taken at the Midsummer Fantasy Renaissance Faire on July 5th, 2015
Pictures taken of the King Serpent Variety Troupe, taken on May 21st, 2015
Pictures from the 2015 Watch City Steampunk Festival
Pictures from the 2015 Arisia science fiction convention
Pictures disguising my camera as something else, 2015 version
Statistics for 2015 are at stats-ren-2015.html.
Pictures taken at the Connecticut Renaissance Faire on October 12th, 2014.
Pictures disguising my camera as something else, 2014 version.
Pictures taken at the 2014 New York Renaissance Faire.
Pictures taken on December 14th, 2014 at the Steampunk meetup
Pictures taken at the 2014 Black Swan Inn renaissance faire
Pictures taken at the 2014 Silver Kingdom Renaissance Faire
Pictures from Captain David's show on May 15th, 2014.
Pictures taken at a steampunk meetup in May 2014
Pictures from the 2014 Arisia science fiction convention
Statistics for 2014 are at stats-ren-2014.html.
Pictures from a Steampunk party we held on December 29th, 2013
Pictures taken at the 2013 fall Connecticut renaissance faire
Pictures from the 2013 New York Renaissance Faire
Pictures of Captain David Fork Tongue, taken in 2013
Pictures at the Red Fork art display in Providence, Rhode Islad, August 25th, 2013
Pictures taken at the 2013 Abbadia Mare renaissance festival at Hammond Castle.
Pictures taken at the Bristol Renaissance Faire, July 6-7th, 2013.
Pictures taken at the 2013 Mutton and Mead Renaissance Festival
Pictures taken at the September 14th, 2013 Steampunk Picnic
Pictures from the June 16th, 2013 steampunk meetup
Pictures disguising my camera as something else, 2013 version.
Pictures taken at the Watch City Steampunk festival on May 11-12th, 2013.
Pictures taken at the Air City Expedition, April 12-14, 2013.
Pictures taken at the January 6th, 2013 steampunk meetup.
Pictures taken at the Arisia science fiction convention, January 18-21, 2013.
Statistics for 2013 are at stats-ren-2013.html.
Pictures taken at King Richard's Faire on October 21st, 2012.
Pictures from the 2012 Pennsylvania Renaissance Faire
Pictures taken at the 2012 Maryland Renaissance Faire
Pictures taken at the 2012 New Hampshire Renaissance Faire, May 19th, 2012.
Pictures taken at the 2012 Waterville Valley Renaissance Faire, August 18-19, 25-26, 2012.
Pictures taken at Steampunk meetups in 2012.
Pictures from the December 2012 steampunk meetup
Pictures taken at the 2012 Abbadia Mare renaissance festival at Hammond Castle.
Pictures from the Steampunk Industrial Revolution, June 8-10, 2012.
Pictures taken at the Watch City Steampunk festival on May 13th, 2012.
Pictures disguising my camera as something else, 2012 version.
Pictures taken at the 2012 Arisia science fiction convention, January 13-16th.
Statistics for 2012 are at stats-ren-2012.html.
Steampunk pictures taken at the Charles River Museum of Industry and Innovation on Halloween, 2011.
Pictures taken at King Richards Renaissance Faire on October 23rd, 2011.
Pictures at the 2011 Connecticut Fall Renaissance Faire on October 8th, 2011.
Pictures from the The Great New England Steampunk Exhibition in September 2011
Pictures disguising my camera as something else.
Pictures from the 2011 Winslowshire renaissance faire on June 25-26th.
Pictures from the 2011 Abbadia Mare Renaissance Festival at Hammond Castle.
Pictures of the group Diabolis in Musica at Hammond Castle, on July 24th, 2011
Pictures from the 2011 Spring Connecticut Renaissance Faire
Pictures taken from the 2011 International Steampunk City in Waltham, Massachusetts
Pictures taken from the set of Steam Driven Movie.
Pictures taken at the Florida Renaissance Festival in February, 2011.
Pictures taken at a Steampunk meetup in March 20, 2011.
Pictures from the 2011 Arisia science fiction convention
Steampunk pictures from the 5-wits Captian Nemo openning on February 12th, 2011.
Statistics for 2011 are at stats-ren-2011.html.
Pictures taken at a steampunk event at the Charles River Museum of Industry and Innovation in December 2010.
Pictures taken at the Fall Connecticut Renaissance Faire in October, 2010.
Pictures taken at the 2010 Winslow Renaissance Faire, June 26-27, 2010.
Pictures from the 2010 Connecticut springtime Robin Hood faire
Pictures taken at a Steampunk festival, on May 1st, 2010
Pictures from the 2010 Arisia science fiction convention
Statistics for 2010 are at stats-ren-2010.html.
Pictures from the 2009 Connecticut Renaissance Faire.
Pictures taken at King Richards Faire in 2009.
Pictures from the 2009 Pennsylvania Renaissance Faire.
Pictures taken at the Sterling Renaissance Faire in 2009
Pictures from the 2009 Winslow Renaisance Faire, June 27-28, 2009
Pictures taken at the 2009 Arisia science fiction convention
Statistics for 2009 are at stats-ren-2009.html.
Pictures from the 2008 Connecticut Renaissance Faire
Pictures taken at King Richards Faire, on August 31, 2008.
Pictures taken at the 2008 Salem pirate festival
Pictures from the 2008 Winslow Farm renaissance faire
Pictures from the 2008 Arisia convention
Statistics for 2008 are at stats-ren-2008.html.
Pictures from the Connecticut Renaissance Faire, taken on October 20th, 2007
Pictures from the 2007 Festival of the Lion renaissance faire.
Pictures from King Richards Faire, October 8th, 2007.
Pictures from the 2007 Texas Renaissance Festival on October 6, 2007.
Pictures from the 2007 Sterling Renaissance Faire
Pictures taken at the Arisia science fiction convetion in January, 2007.
Statistics for 2007 are at stats-ren-2007.html.
Pictures of the 2006 King Richards Faire
Pictures from the Scarborough Renaissance Festival, taken on April 30th, 2006
Pictures taken from the 2006 Connecticut Renaissance Faire.
Pictures taken at the Maryland Renaissance Faire on August 26-27, 2006.
Statistics for 2006 are at stats-ren-2006.html.
Pictures taken at the Connecticut Renaissance Faire, September 25th, 2005.
Pictures taken on September 4th, 2005 at King Richards Renaissance Faire
Pictures from the Sterling Renaissance Festival, July 2-3, 2005.
Pictures from the 2005 Scarborough Faire renaissance festival
Statistics for 2005 are at stats-ren-2005.html.
Pictures from the 2004 Maine Renaissance Faire.
Pictures taken at King Richards Faire, September 25, 2004.
Pictures taken from the 2004 Vermont Renaissance Faire
Statistics for 2004 are at stats-ren-2004.html.
Pictures from the Arizona Renaissance Festival, February 2003
Pictures taken at King Richards Faire in October 2003.
Pictures taken at the Sterling Renaissance Faire, August 2-3, 2003.
Pictures taken at the 2003 Maine Renaissance Faire in July and August
Statistics for 2003 are at stats-ren-2003.html.
Pictures taken at King Richards Faire in Fall, 2002
Pictures taken in July and August 2002 at the Maine Renaissance Faire
Pictures taken in July 2002 at the Sterling Renaissance Faire
Pictures taken in May, 2002 at the Georgia Renaissance Faire
Statistics for 2002 are at stats-ren-2002.html.
Year sublinks
- Pictures from 2025 (1 album, 102 pictures)
- Pictures from 2024 (6 albums, 573 pictures)
- Pictures from 2023 (9 albums, 773 pictures)
- Pictures from 2022 (9 albums, 783 pictures)
- Pictures from 2021 (2 albums, 56 pictures)
- Pictures from 2020 (3 albums, 248 pictures)
- Pictures from 2019 (12 albums, 1,050 pictures)
- Pictures from 2018 (16 albums, 1,597 pictures)
- Pictures from 2017 (12 albums, 1,310 pictures)
- Pictures from 2016 (9 albums, 695 pictures)
- Pictures from 2015 (10 albums, 997 pictures)
- Pictures from 2014 (9 albums, 922 pictures)
- Pictures from 2013 (15 albums, 1,236 pictures)
- Pictures from 2012 (12 albums, 1,441 pictures)
- Pictures from 2011 (15 albums, 1,619 pictures)
- Pictures from 2010 (6 albums, 615 pictures)
- Pictures from 2009 (6 albums, 903 pictures)
- Pictures from 2008 (5 albums, 669 pictures)
- Pictures from 2007 (6 albums, 802 pictures)
- Pictures from 2006 (4 albums, 631 pictures)
- Pictures from 2005 (4 albums, 484 pictures)
- Pictures from 2004 (3 albums, 701 pictures)
- Pictures from 2003 (4 albums, 1,075 pictures)
- Pictures from 2002 (4 albums, 673 pictures)
Statistics for this page is at stats-ren.html.